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      "So, Lovie, what are you doing now?" George asked, practically dumping the entire sunscreen bottle on himself. Lovie had a feeling he got sunburned easily by the way he was acting. "College or something?"

      "Yeah," she said, trying not to watch him rub his sunscreen in.

      "What are you studying to be?" he asked. Pattie and Cynthia were sunbathing nearby while John was down in the water snorkeling. He would come up every once in a while claiming he saw a five foot long fish, but no one believed him.

      "Oh, I want to be a marine biologist," she said. "I think stuff like that is interesting."

      "Yeah, it is," George said.

      "Are you still in your band?" Lovie asked, trying to make conversation. She still felt really uncomfortable.

      George grinned widely, chocolate eyes dancing when he looked at her. "Yes. We've got three albums out now."

      "What?" Lovie said in surprise. "How haven't I heard you on the radio? You're still called the Beatles, right?"


      "I guess Hawaii is out of the loop," she said, baffled.

      "Here, I'll play you one of our most recent songs," George said, typing on his phone. A few moments went by before she heard an opening guitar chord and then singing. Lovie listened in awe, mouth hanging open. Then the guitar solo came and she snuck a glance at George, who was listening to it proudly.

      "Did you do that?" she asked.

      "Yes," he said, smiling wider. "On my twelve-string."

      "You guys are really good," Lovie said after the song had ended. "What was that song?"

      " 'A Hard Day's Night,' " he said, putting his phone away. "We also have a movie coming out in July." Lovie sat silently. She was sitting next to someone who was probably really famous.

      "I'll have to watch it," she said.

      "Don't expect much," George laughed. "We couldn't act to save our own lives."

      Lovie smiled.

      "Hey!" John shouted from the water. "Guess wha— "

      "We know!" Cynthia shouted, cutting him off. "You just saw the biggest fish in your life and you swear it's five feet long!"

      John was silent for a moment before muttering something to himself and putting his face back in the water.

      "That shut him up," Cynthia said, and Pattie giggled.

      "Hey, Lovie, do you want to have dinner with us?" George asked, sounding slightly nervous, drawing circles in the sand with his long fingers.

      "I don't want to ruin your vacation," she said hesitantly.

      "You're not ruining anything!" Cynthia said, her bright, cheery self. "We enjoy your company!"

      "Yeah, you're fun to be around," Pattie said, turning to give her a dazzling smile. At first, Lovie hadn't liked her at all, but now she was discovering that Pattie wasn't that bad . . . She was just dating George.

      "You can pick where we eat," Cynthia continued, "because we have no clue where to go."

      George looked at her expectantly with his gorgeous brown eyes and Lovie had to look away or she feared she would start stuttering. "Well . . . " she said reluctantly, "I do know this one place . . . "

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