Chapter 11

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Peter and I avoided eye contact.

"Peter, in my dream. You were in love with me. I heard you say it. You even kissed me. I think we were in love, but I don't know. What if it was just a dream? What if it was a premonition?"

Peter was frozen, he wouldn't look at me. It scared me how silent he was. I almost went over and forced him to look at me.

"Peter? Peter? It was in the future... I'm not saying you love me now or anything..."

Slowly, Peter began to speak,

"But how did you feel about me in the dream?"

"I was sad by the situation. To know that you loved me and I was gone...I don't want that to happen to you..."

"But how did you feel about me, Lily?!"

Peter stood up at stood dirrectly in front of me. I could see the torment in his eyes. Trying to form words, I began,

"You did say that we were happy together. So, I think I loved you back. The way I felt watching it happen though. If there's even the slightest chance of that happening, we could only stay friends. Peter you went soooo dark. You held me in your arms, your eyes blacker than that farie's and the whole island was frozen. I don't want you hurt like that, I could tell you were happy with me in the dream. I can't risk losing a friend like that."

Peter stopped me from continuing by embracing me in a full hug. I hated him for hugging me now because I held on. I held on tightly and so did he. Our bodies were flush against each other and my pulse was racing. Still hugging me, Peter said,

"I need you Lily. I'm glad we're friends. I don't want you to die, but I don't want you to run away from me either."

"I'm not running away, Peter."

"You sound like you are."

I sighed and started to release myself from the hug. But Peter still held on.

"Lily, no matter what anyone tells you or tries to make you believe, you do belong here. You belong with me and the lost boys. There's so much you can teach them. You already have a higher education them most anyone here."

"Peter, I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." In the back of my mind I was worried but at the same time I was excited to see what the future would hold for Peter and I. Strangely, I could see us together.


When we finally broke apart it was dinner time. I sat beside Peter with no complaints. Peter and I didn't chat much, instead I mingled with the lost boys. They all looked at me funny. They looked at me like I was a goddess or something. why? I had no clue. I haven't done anything. After we all ate, I asked if the Peter and the boys would mind if I played something for them.

"Of course we'd love to hear you play for us. What do you need?" Peter insisted.

"A violin."

Right in my hands appeared a violin, a beautiful one. One of the lost boys groaned,

"You aren't going to play classical music, are you?"

"No. There's a different kind of music you can play the violin to. So, I've decided to p!at a song called Moon Trance by Lindsey Stirling. She's a great violinist. With that I began. The boys really enjoyed it and once I really got into the song I closed my eyes and started dancing as I played. After I finished they asked for more. They crowded around me with envious expressions. Peter stayed where he was but was watching.

"If you boys don't mind, I like to take a break first to decide what I'd like to do."

They all nodded and backed away. That's when Peter approached me.

"Love? You should sing for them. They'd love it."

Sitting beside me, I pondered the thought.

"Maybe another time."

To be honest, it won't feel right singing without my old friends. In all the videos of me singing my old friends were there. The times Peter caught me singing was....he wasn't supposed to hear me sing. I made a promise to never sing in front of an audience again because of what happened between my old friends and I. I really didn't want to explain this to Peter so I just stayed quite.

Instead of playing the violin again, I asked Peter for an amp and a cord to connect it to my iPod. I played some dubstep for the lost boys and they absolutely loved it. The faster paced beats they couldn't manage, the bass drops, and the way the music made them dance. I finally saw Peter dance. But I stayed where I was.

Being a Lost Girl was more than I could've asked for. Every boy was happy and so was I. The song finished and we were all lounging around when there was a rustle in the bushes around us. Everyone was on guard, weapons at had including me. Out of the bushes came Gabriel and four other dudes. They didn't look happy to be here.

"What do you guys want? You're I allowed you in my territory."

Gabriel responded,

"Our Queen would like a word with you. She says there's so matters that needed to be discussed and that we couldn't return without you."

"If this is another attempt to kill me-"

'It's not! She need everyone there including her."

Gabriel pointed at me. My weapon still at hand. Peter commanded us to lower out weapons, we did.

"We'll come. But any sign of an ambush and you're all dead."

Peters expression terrified and annoyed the faries. They didn't say anything only lead the way.

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