Car Accident Part 2

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Chapter 14
Quinn's pov:
"Puck is Mila's dad." I told Rachel

She looked at me wide eye and said ,

"Oh my god , I knew it!"

"What!" I said surprised

"Quinn , I'm your best friend you didn't think I knew who the father was when you've only ever been with Puck?" Rachel asked me

"Do you want me to call Puck?" Finn asked me

"No, I'm angry at him right now ." I said

"Well it's too late cause I'm already here ." Puck said coming towards us

"How did you know we were here ?" I asked him

"I followed you guys ." He said

"Stalker much?" Rachel said

"Shut up Berry ." He said

"You shut up Puckerman." She said

"Enough." I said

"Mila Fabray ?" The doctor said

"Yes, I'm her mother." I said jumping up

"Yes , Ms. Fabray . Your daughter is out of surgery and she's doing great . She's going to have a minor concussion and a broken arms and a broken rib but other than that she'll be okay." The doctor said

"Thank god!" I said hysterical and hugged the doctor .

"You can go visit her if you like ." He told me

"Yes I would very much ." I said and went to her room .

Finns pov:
"Well I guess she's going to be okay." I said to Rachel

"Thank god ! I don't know what I do if something like that ever happened to my child . Well my theoretical child." She said

"Yeah I probably go nuts ." I said

"Me too . I still can't believe Pucks the father though I mean don't get me wrong they're perfect together but after 5 years of not seeing the man you love it's just a little sad." She said

"You went 10 years without me ." I said

"That's different ." She said.

"How ? How is it different ?" I said

"Well for one I didn't want to leave you . You left me ." She said

Pucks pov:
I walked into Mila's hospital room to see Quinn looking at Mila , holding her hand .

"Hey." I said

"Hey ." She said surprised to see me

"Can we talk for a sec?" I asked her

She looked at the sleeping girl and said ,


She got up and we went out into the hall .

"What's up?" She asked me

"I'm sorry ." I said

Finns pov:

"I told you I'm sorry I left you at the alter . I didn't have a choice ." I said

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice ? What was going on that would make you think that leaving me on our wedding day was the best option ?" She said

"I'm sorry I can't tell you." I said

Pucks pov :

"What do you mean your sorry?" She asked me

"What I did to you and Mila . It was wrong , so wrong and I never wanted to end things the way we did. In fact , they shouldn't have ended at all ." I said

"You cheated on me Puck . No one wanted it to end like that ." She said

"I'm sorry, I was scared I mean that was our first big fight and I just went back to doing what I do best . It was wrong and there's not a single day that goes by that I'm not sorry." I told her

She looked down and said ,

"What are you say Puck? You want me back ? You want to be a family because I have a kid now . I can't just throw away everything and run away with you . I have her to think about too. I can't let her get attached to you only for you to just leave again." She told me

Finns pov:
"Why are you being so secretive Finn? Why can't you just tell me the truth ?" Rachel asked me

"I'm sorry I can't ." I said

"And that's the problem Finn." She said
Pucks pov:
"I've changed Quinn . I have , I know how it feels to lose something you love . I get it and I don't wanna live without you." I said

"And that's the issue here Puck." She said

Finns pov :

"Because no matter how hard we try,"

Pucks pov:

"You can never keep your promises ."

Finns pov:

"You can never tell the truth . "

Pucks pov:

"Ands that why we can't be together ."

Finns pov:

"I'm sorry Finn ."

Pucks pov:

"But it's so over ." Quinn said and left

Finns pov:

"But it's so over ." Rachel said and left .

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