A Secret Wedding

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Chapter 23
(3 months later )
Santana's pov:
I texted Brittney to meet me in the Choir room because I wanted to talk to her before our rehearsal dinner .

"Hey you." She said coming in.

"Hey baby." I said as she kissed me .

"What's going on?" She asked me .

"I wanted to say before tomorrow that I love you and I will always love you." I said .

"Awe babe , I love you too." She said .

"No I mean it , I love you Brittney S. Pierce , which is why before we get married in front of 170 people tomorrow I wanna a moment just for us ." I said .

"Santana..." she said .

"Coach Sue , can you please come out here?" I asked her .

Coach Sue came out and said ,

"Okay Sandbags , Blondie , join hands please ." She said .

I took Brittneys hands .

"Okay Sandbags you're up say your vows ." She told me .

"Okay . Brittney S. Pierce , you make me a better person. You have always accepted for who I am and have never pushed me to be more than I am , you love me for me . And I know I'm not perfect but in your eyes I feel close to perfect. You are amazing , and kind , and brilliant. You are my one true love and I can't image my life without you because I love you." I said .

Sue wiped her eyes  and said ,

"I had my tear ducts taken out years ago but that was beautiful. Okay blondie you're up." She told Brittney.

Brittney smiled and said,

"6,832,800 minutes that how long I have loved you Santana . 13 years and I have never questioned my love for you . No matter how confused , or angry, or pissed off we were at each other . I have loved you every single moment . Through everything you have never doubted me , made me feel small, made me feel stupid . Some people look at me and they just see a dumb blonde . But you look at me and you see me as the most beautiful woman in the world . I love you Santana , and I will always love you." She said .

"Do you Santana Lopez , take Brittney S . Pierce to be your wife  ?" Sue asked me .

"I do."

"And do you Brittney S. Pierce take Santana Lopez to be your wife?" She asked Brittney.

"I do." Brittney said .

"Well by the power vested in me and the state of Ohio, I now pronounce you Mrs.And Mrs. Pierce - Lopez . You may kiss your bride Sandbags!" Sue said and we kissed passionately.

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