Messages and Meeting

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Me and Tiff sat there completley unsure on what to do. Eventually she broke the silence 

Well Leanne what are you going to do?

I don't know do I send him a message?

OMG yes! You need to, put something like Hi Ratliff I am from the show you left me a note which had your number on it.

Okay, what shall I put at the end?

Just leave it with Leanne and maybe a winky face?

Omg done, Now what do we do? We should probably think of leaving soon, before they kick us out!

Yeah, okay well I need the toilet you coming?

Okay. I am still shaking from this though! Like why did he do this to me!

I don't know haha, but come on! We need to go.

After that we went to the toilets and straigned up a little because we decided we wanted to go and get some food. Just as we were leaving the bathroom my phone went off I stopped in my tracks meaning Tiff bumped straight into me. I grabbed my phone and seen it was the number saved as Ellington Ratliff. I zoned out from Tiff trying to get around me and her complaints.  I opened the message, "Hi Leanne, How could I forget! I know we hardley know each other but I was wondering if you would like to come and hang out? Ratliff x :D" Omg I was freaking out. Tiff grabbed my phone and read the message she started typing and I just stood there frozen to the spot. She passed the phone back to me it read "Yes I would love to meet you! When and where would be good? Leanne x" I let her send it and we went back into the bathroom I couldn't beleive it!

After about 5 mintiues he sent me another message saying "Well I can't wait a day, where are you too me and the band are going bowling and thought you could join us? Ratliff x" I replied saying how I was still in the toilets about to leave from the show. After I sent that Tiff said we should go outside before I died. As we started to walk out the moment of my life came. We started to walk when someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. It was Ratliff Tiff turned around and suddunly stopped talking. 

Ratliff looked at me with the biggest smile and said...

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