Part 9 ~ Prepare your Weapon

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"Amber... Amber please!"

"NO!" She snaps, at least that's an answer. She's been ignoring me for ages and I'm done with it.

"I just want us to be friends... I don't understand? Please, just tell me what I did wrong?!"

"You didn't tell me!!" She says, her voice cracking slightly.

"Tell you what?"

"You were dating Max"

"I forgot, I barely got to see you. Anyway, what does it even matter?!"

"He's the love of my life! And you just get him within what, 3 days? 2 days? Thanks a bunch for absolutely nothing!" She storms off and I sit down, beginning to cry.


"I'm surprised you ever had a friend"

"Your such a slut!"

"Your such an attention whore!"

"I don't know why I was ever friends with you". That one was Bri.

I think what hurt the most about all these insults being thrown at me was that Bri just completely betrayed me.

I look down to the floor.


"Don't even say anything, just leave"

"That's what you get for bullying Bri!"

"M-Me?" What were they talking about?

"Listen here, punk. You leave my friends alone!" Two boys close in on me, they punch and kick me. The memory is painful, all I can remember is fading to black.


"KELSEY? PLEASE, WAKE UP!" That sweet voice.


"Yes!" He kisses me hard and I blush like an idiot, "Your ok?!"

"I don't know... What happened?"

"I think you were beat up, I'll kill them!"

Then it all comes flooding back. Someone's been spreading rumours about me, or maybe Bri told them that herself. Either way, I tried to be a good friend to her, so I don't know what I did wrong. Ambers ignoring me, and things are awkward between me and Ronnie. Isn't life great.

"I-it's ok Max, really".

"I- I just love you".

"I love you too..." I sigh, "your all I have left".

"What? What happened?"

"Well obviously this" I gesture to myself, "Briony's gone, now Amber hates me".

"What? What happened with yo hand Amber? You were so close!"

"She's annoyed because I didn't tell her we were dating"

"Oh.. Ok?"

I sit up a bit, "Max shouldn't we be in class?"

"It's Saturday"


MAX POV: (that's right bitches xD)⬇️

I need to help Kelsey, she's so lost at the moment. She just needs a friend, I need to find Amber. I know her room number because she used to watch our rehearsals when she was dating Ronnie. Those two were a cute couple.

"Amber?" I knock three times, "You in?"

She opens it, her mascara is all over her cheeks and her eyes are red but she smiles at me.

"Hey..Max. It's been a while".


A/N: here comes the action ;) sorry there will be a lot of different POV's bc it will explain the story better ok baii👋

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