Part 21- Something

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Kelsey POV:

I got home straight after Max left, Ronnie looked a little sad. I knew it was because he didn't really have a family to go home to, except his brother. I did ask if he wanted to come back to mine and meet my mom but he declined.

He wouldn't have met her anyway. I knocked on the door but there was no reply. Then I use my key and got in, but there was nobody there. I searched the whole house. Nobody. However, there was a note on the bed. It read:

"Don't worry about me, will be back soon, love mom xxx"

What the hell? I was panicking now, first Max now this? I drive to the shops and get milk, butter, bread, cheese, ham and other stuff and make a sandwich when I get back. I ring my mom after, because "back soon" could mean anything. It goes straight to answer phone. I'm scared out of my mind.

It reaches night but she still hasn't returned. I stay up till 2am watching TV, then I fall asleep on the sofa.

I get up at 10 and make a bacon sandwich and log into Facebook. There's another status from Ronnie it reads:

Ronald Radke > Maxwell Green

Happy Birthday dude, party tonight!

52 minutes ago

I click on to Max's page and read the first status, which is a reply to Ronnie's:

Maxwell Green > Ronald Radke

Thanks! Same to you, party's gonna be wild =]

49 minutes ago

Dammit, I forgot it was both their birthdays today, December 15. I quickly type out a status.

Kelsey Sivan > Maxwell Green, Ronald Radke

Happy birthday guys! Have a great day :) don't party too hard!

A reply came a little while later:

Ronald Radke > Kelsey Sivan

Thank you! And of course we will ;) wanna come? I'll message u

Maxwell Green > Kelsey Sivan

Thank you <3 love you lots, see you at Ronnie's tonight? xxxx

Ronnie messaged me the details of the party, and since my mom wasn't home I didn't have to ask permission. I was starting to worry about that to be honest, I tried to call 5 more times today but they all went to answer phone. Her phone is gone and so are most of her clothes. I hope she hasn't been arrested. But then she wouldn't ever do anything bad.

At 6pm I start getting ready, I tease my hair, powder my pale face, apply dark eye make up and open my closet. What do you wear to these things? I finally decide on a black strapless minidress really high black heels. I slip some bangles on to my arm and I'm ready by 7:45. 15 minutes to get to the party.

I get into my car and drive to Ronnie's house. It's small and alone, on top of a hill. Ronnie said it's perfect for parties because it's far away from anything. From the looks of things, there's loads of people here.

Tonight's going to be crazy.

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