Part 28- My Apocalypase

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Kelsey POV:

On Christmas Eve we toast marshmallows. Yesterday we all went Christmas shopping and split up so we could get gifts for each other. I wrapped them last night, Max fell asleep at 9pm, he was exhausted. I'm kinda relieved actually, I though I'd never get a chance to.

I got him a couple of band t-shirts, some skinny jeans and some CD's.

I hid everything under my bed once wrapped and then crawled into bed with Max.

I wake up with him jumping on me.

"MAX!" I yell, pushing him off and grabbing the clock next to me, "5am?! Really?!"

"Yes, it's Christmas Day lighten up!"

"Who could lighten up when they've just been jumped on at 5am in the morning?! I want to have a lie in, asshole!"

"ITS CHRISTMAS DAY WOMEN!" He yells, slipping his top on.

"Exactly!" I roll my eyes and get out of bed and get changed.

Max runs out the room and seconds later I head a huge crash.

"I'm okay!"

I walk out the room to see him in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

"Max your such a retard" I laugh, running downstairs and helping him up.

"Happy Christmas" Sandra says from the top of the stairs.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!" Max yells, running around the house. What the fuck, it's like he's permanently high or something.

Sandra comes downstairs and smiles at me.

"Sorry he's a little excited. Let's get some breakfast" she says, not at all fazed that her 18 year old son is running around the house at 5am.

We eat bacon sandwiches and then start to open presents.

Max POV:

I really can't wait for Kelsey to open her presents from me, I know she'll be happy. From Kelsey I receive three band shirts, two CD's and a new pair of black skinny jeans.

"Thank you so much" I say, kissing her forehead because lips is too awkward in front of my mom.

Then I hand her the first gift, a pair of heels with skulls on them. I watch as her eyes light up.


"Welcome" I smile, "you still have one more gift"

My mom smiles as I hand Kelsey her present, a white guitar, she's been wanting to learn since I met her.

"MAX YOU FUCKING DIDNT!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" She yells, hugging me tight and practically choking me.

"Help" I choke.

"Sorry!" Kelsey laughs, looking me in the eyes, "Thank you, seriously. I love them"

Kelsey POV:

Later on when Max's mom is asleep, we start playing guitar together. It's all good but I'm pretty pissed because of how much better he is compared to me.

"Max" I sigh, "Why do you have to be so good?" For some reason that makes him burst out laughing.

"I'm not! Your just really bad" He sees my face, "IM JOKING! Jesus, you've only been learning for like 2 hours, I've been learning for years. It just takes time"

"Whatever" I say, playing the opening for 'the day I left the womb' pretty badly.

"See, it's fine" He starts playing along with me and I stop, moaning because it sounds a lot better than what I just did.

"Let's watch a movie" He says, pulling me close.

"Okay, which one? Something christmassy"

"Of course" he logs on to Netflix and files through Christmas films.

"The grinch!" I laugh, "please?"

"Alright, anything for you" he jokes, putting on the grinch.

I snuggle into Max and he falls asleep so I sit there watching the film. His phone rings and I look at the caller ID: Dick sucker


I pick up.


"Who is this..."

"Ronnie? Oh this is Kelsey"

"Kelsey hey!"

"Hey...why are you calling so late?"

"Just cause, I was bored and I can't sleep. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over but I guess Max is asleep or something?"

"Well, I can wake him up if you want?"

"I wouldn't worry, come over tomorrow maybe?"

"Sure, I'll ask him in the morning. I should probably go now"

"Alright, bye" he hangs up and I lie back down, snuggling into Max and falling asleep.

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