Can I prove myself?
But I already know you count me out
You made your choice.
You wouldn't let me prove
Maybe it is because of my age.
Maybe who my father is.
Maybe its the years we spent.
Or our relationship.
I want to prove myself as more then child.
But as the woman I grew to be.
I want to try it might not work
At least we don't have to say what if
I wish you would count me in
Because of my heart
My soul
My undying affection towards you
But this reason is not going to be heard by you
My argument falls on deaf ears
To you I don't exist in that relm of lover's and friends because who you perceive of me but I'm so much more
If you didn't count me out then where would we be
These words wouldn't exist
My mind wouldnt be troubled I might have the world
But like every want it is far as the dullest star in the sky
I want you but you won't let me prove myself
So i shelf my feelings
Until the day you think I deserve a chance but by then the shelf life might be over
And I moved on
But by then the whole time I counted you in I didn't love anyone like you ever
Even with your mom
Two kids
And nonstop chatter
Constent rumors
I stood by your side and still