The one thing I never Imagined

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Julian's POV

I wake up in a hospital room. I hear the rain outside. I hurt everywhere. Especially in my shoulder.

What.....What Happened?

I let my eyes flutter all the way open. I hear voices outside.

"You're lucky it was just her shoulder. Anywhere else and it could've been more serious. Luckily the operation went smoothly."

"Thank heavens. Not sure what I would do without my sister." Madison says

"Yes, if she's not awake now, she will be soon. Don't expect her to remember much of what happened. She's lost a lot of blood in the past 24 hours." the doctor says

"Yeah. I'll explain it to her. When she wakes up I'm gonna call her boyfriend too if that's ok. He was worried about her when he went home last night. He would've stayed if more than one guest was allowed at night."

"Yes that's fine." The doctor says

"Thank you Dr. Colensic."

I hear Footsteps enter the room.

"Oh Julian..."


"Yeah, It's me. How are you feeling?" she asks

"Sore. Can I get some freaking painkillers?"

She looks around.

"I'll ask the doctor when he comes in." she says


She takes my hand. It was obvious she was worried.

"You want me to get Jordan here?" she says

"Yeah, I want to see him."


She takes out her phone and dials his number.

"Hey. Fine, she's awake and wants to see you. Yeah. Ok, I'll tell her. Kay. Bye."

She hangs up.

"He'll be here in about 10 minutes." She says

"Ok, so what happened? I can't remember."

"The doctor said you might not remember."

She tells me how Chloe shot me in the shoulder and ran off with my bank account information. Somebody saw it and called 911 for me. They haven't found her yet but when they do, she's going to jail. They took me to the hospital and got the bullet out of my shoulder and I was asleep for like 19 hours.

"Why? Why would Chloe do that?"

"She's gotta have a reason. You guys have been friends since junior high. I don't think she'd just go out and shoot you." Madison says

I hear a knock at the door.

"come in!" Madison shouts

The door opens and I get a flood of relief.

"Hey." Jordan says, he has flowers in his hand.

"Hey, what's up?" I sit up a little more.

"Not much. Madison nearly gave me a heart attack when she told me you'd been shot." He says. He walks in.

"Yeah. The flowers are beautiful by the way."

"Thank you, I figured you'd like them." He says

"I do."

I look at them. A colorful assortment of beautiful flowers that smell amazing. I smile. First time I've ever gotten flowers in the hospital.

"Thanks Jordan. These are awesome!"

"You're welcome."

He gets silent for a minute. He takes my hand. I tighten my grip to let him know that I'm there.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. I was just really worried." He says

"Well, I'm fine now. I just really need some pain medication" I laugh

He chuckles. It was kinda obvious something was bothering him though.

"So, when can I get out of here?"

"They said if you're doing better, probably tomorrow or the next day." Madison says

"That's good. I hate hospitals."

"I feel you there." She says

After a while, Madison decides to go home and Jordan would stay the night here with me. I was happy with that. I drifted off to sleep around 11. Jordan had fallen asleep in the armchair next to me.

Why Chloe? Why would you do this?

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