Chapter 3 | War

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I've looked up how old Konoha was, but couldn't find a clear answer, so I chose the one I saw the most. If you know, please tell me!

Also, you may see some things you haven't read in Mito's Sister. However, this will appear in the rewritten version. I apologize if this raises confusion. It's something pretty trivial, so I don't think it necessarily needed to be mentioned in the first book.


No exhaustion or sore feet, yet she had run for what seemed like hours. No thirst of hunger despite not having drank or eaten anything ever since she had opened her eyes for the first time after what she assumed was many years

Asami already thought this body was different ever since she saw her marred skin, but she slowly started to understand that it didn't work like a living human body at all, but that only arose more questions.

She had been looking for people to give her the answers she desperately wanted know, but had encountered no one so far. After having left the desert behind her, Asami was now running through a sparse forest, hoping to find someone here.

Before, she saw smoke rising from between the trees. If it was a fight or simply a fire, she didn't know, but the chance was incredibly high that there were people who could clear up her confusion nearby.

Rain soaked her clothing and made the fabric adhere to her skin her hair cling to her neck and face, but she didn't even feel the chilly drops of water or the stickiness of her clothes and hair. While her body which was deprived of the power of sensation frightened her at first, she had gotten used to it pretty quickly, although it still scared her.

She wanted her old body back, feeling the heat of the blazing sun on her face, the rough sand between her toes, and the coldness of the rain and the soft mud beneath her feet, which had already dirtied her sandals.

She didn't even want to be here.

Footsteps from her right made her stop in her tracks, and she turned her head, her eyes growing wide when she saw a big group of people running in her direction. 

''Another reincarnation!?'' One of them yelled, and Asami looked at her hands once again. She did nothing as they approached her hastily with vicious looks in their eyes which were meant for her. Those hostile expressions made the Uzumaki swallow thickly, but she wasn't going to resist whatever was going to come at her.

It was now clear that she was a reincarnation, but it was also clear that reincarnations like her were their enemies, and fighting these people to defend herself now wouldn't help in making them realize that she wasn't their foe. She was going to do nothing, and pray that these people would realize she meant to harm.

 While the cracks in her skin already made more sense now, but only one of her countless questions was answered now. This wasn't enough to explain everything else she wondered. Only these people could help her.  

And even if that wouldn't work, if they wouldn't listen, dying didn't seem bad either, since that meant she'd be freed from this cruel curse which forced her back into the world of the living without her consent.

Asami saw it coming, but a gasp still left her lips when a sword pierced her chest. For some reason, she had expected excruciating pain, but she didn't feel anything at all. Only shock. The force the guy used to stab her made both of them fall over, and the tip of the blade was buried deep inside the soft soil, making it impossible for Asami to escape now. Breathing shakily, frantically looking around her, Asami resisted the urge to try to pull the sword out of her. This was more frightening than she'd imagined.

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