Chapter 17 | Suspicion

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Asami was close, closer than before.

She had crossed the line of comfort and safety, entering a wartorn area. This region of the planet was littered with scars, permanent reminders of the fight that has been fought. Bodies spread over the uneven ground, bloodied and incomplete.

Asami's stomach turned at the sight.

She had experienced war before, but that was nothing compared to this. The thought that Madara was the cause of this felt unreal to her. It was the truth, but she felt the urge to deny it. Not only to protect Madara but also to protect herself. She was part of this too, passively.

She hated it, but there was no going back. She wouldn't get blood on her hands, but her mind will never unsee the amount red liquid that was spilt during this war, partly due to her choices. She hadn't even seen all of it yet, which frightened her the most.

The Uzumaki's green eyes widened slightly. Her sensations picked up a familiar, yet momentarily unwanted presence.

Presences, to be correct.

Outrunning them was far from possible, even in her dreams she wouldn't be able to. So she stood firm, swallowing thickly, preparing herself for the confrontation that was to come. She tried to come up with excuses, but wondered if they'd buy her lies. What kind of lie was good enough to explain how she got involved in this mess anyway?

Asami clenched her jaw. There was no way she could walk away from by using deceit. They'd see right through untruths, and Asami knew they wouldn't appreciate her being untrue at all. They surely must have questions after her sudden disappearance from Konoha, and her appearance in this war.

The Uzumaki breathed shakily once she felt their chakra directly behind her.

She expected them to speak up immediately, demanding her to know what happened to her all those years ago and what she was doing here now, but it seemed like no one dared to interrupt the silence.

But it wasn't as if they didn't dare to, but the older Senju brother just didn't know what to say and the younger one waited for his brother to say something first. Hashirama looked like he wanted to say something, and he did, but where was he supposed to start? 

Slowly, Asami turned around to face the people she left behind without saying a word. She quickly eyed the two other people she didn't know before she reluctantly raised her gaze to meet Tobirama's first. As Asami stared right into the warm brown eyes of Hashirama, she felt the guilt increasing tenfold.

''Asami..'' He finally spoke, but the way he said her name made the Uzumaki think he was hesitating. Hesitating to ask her something, as if he was afraid to know the answer. But Hashirama wasn't that kind of person. He was brave, powerful, social and curious. He was the one who wanted to know what as going on the most.

''Did Madara reincarnate you?'''

Tobirama got impatient, and decided to ask a question first. A question regarding the current situation, while both he and Hashirama also wanted to know about the past.

While Asami understood why he asked that particular question, she was still slightly upset. As usual, he immediately assumed Madara was behind it, and while Madara was the reason behind this war, he wasn't the summoner which brought her here. With narrowed eyes, she looked back at Tobirama. ''He did not.'' She muttered bitterly. ''Madara didn't know of my resurrection until after it was done.''

Hashirama frowned. ''You talked to him?''

Asami looked away. The real confrontation was yet to come but she already felt uncomfortable. ''I did. He already left quickly though.'' No details about their meeting at all. Asami purposely kept quiet about it. It was not for them to know, for what Madara and she talked about had something to do with their own matters for the most part. Asami made eye contact with the two strangers again. ''Who are they?'' 

''Then who reincarnated you?" Tobirama asked urgently, ignoring her question. They didn't have all the time in the world to talk elaborately now after all.

''Madara called him an ally, though I'm sure he doesn't really think of him as one.'' Asami answered.  She wanted to glare at Tobirama for selfishly asking questions while hers weren't being answered, but she held herself back. Now wasn't the time to quarrel, no matter how bad they got along. ''I don't know his name. I haven't met him.''

Hashirama sighed. There was nothing they could do with the information she was providing them with, but he was still curious as to for what reason she was here. ''You were reincarnated by a stranger without Madara's knowledge.'' He murmured. ''I wonder why he'd do that.''

Asami pursed her lips. ''To catch Madara off guard, that was the summoner's intention.''

Hashirama raised his eyebrows. ''Because you were Madara's friend?''

Asami averted her gaze for a moment, but accidentally locked eyes with the silver-haired Senju, who was watching her carefully, almost distrustingly. Tobirama's eyes narrowed to slits, a clear sign of suspicion. ''No,'' He started slowly. ''Not because you were his friend.''

Asami's chest tightened. He saw right through her. He probably already suspected it back in Konoha, but never got to confirm his suspicions because she abruptly disappeared and rumours started to spread. While Asami hated herself for not being careful enough, she soon realized.. Did it even matter anymore now?

''You were Madara's lover.''

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