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First of all, thanks to the people who stuck with me till the end! <3 I loved reading all your comments :)

Last chapter.. I have another idea in mind though, but I'm not sure if I should add more XD more info at the end of the epilogue.

I'm currently rewriting Mito's Sister. The plotline will be different. Made a few mistakes with the timeline in the original one and I just think I can do better lol. Check it out if you want to. It's a new book. The original one will stay. I think there are only 7 chapters now, but now that this story is finished, I'll have more time to write so there'll be more updates.

Hope you guys enjoy this epilogue! And as always, corrections are appreciated


Asami hands started shaking at the sight of him. Never had she seen him so fragile, so vulnerable. He couldn't even sit up.

Asami swallowed thickly when she saw Hashirama approach him. Clumsily, she scrambled to her feet and rushed towards him. ''Hashirama,'' She called out, gently grabbing his arm. ''P-Please?'' She asked carefully, her voice cracking.

Hashirama pursed his lips He saw the desperation in her eyes and nodded with a somewhat sad smile on his face. It hurt him too to see Madara like this. Tobirama was about to protest, but Hashirama already stepped back before he could even say something.

Asami murmured a quick and almost inaudible thank you before she passed him. It was as if she was walking through mud. With great difficulty, she made her way to the Uchiha, never taking her eyes off him in the process. Her stomach felt tight, her throat dry. 

He was there, dying but still alive. She could talk to him once more, for the last time.


Madara turned his head to the side, his dark eyes locking with Asami's green ones. He was so thoroughly weakened that he hadn't sensed her chakra nor noticed her presence, but seeing her there made him feel better. Unlike him, Asami kept her word. She was here, and she'd be here with him until the end.

Her eyes fell on the face on his chest, which she had seen briefly before, but hadn't paid much attention to. Seeing it from this close made her body stiffen momentarily. She clenched her jaw and tried her hardest not to let her lips tremble while holding the tears back.

He breathed shakily, already experiencing difficulty with breathing. It pained Asami to see him like this, to see to what length he went to pursue his goal, only to be part of something bigger.

''Oh, Madara..'' She murmured in an indistinct voice as she got down on her knees at his side, running her trembling hand over his chest, just avoiding the face. ''Just what have you done to yourself?''

Madara didn't answer. Instead, he placed his hand on top of hers, giving it a weak but reassuring squeeze. He didn't want to talk about his altered body. He regretted it, just like he regretted other things, things which were close or even graver than shameful. The face, Hashirama's chakra, gave him power, but he still couldn't win. On the contrary, he's lost so much because of it.

Asami looked up to see Tobirama watch her with a neutral expression on his face. Hashirama stood next to him, sending her a sad smile again, sympathizing with her. They were talking to each other, looking at her and the Uchiha now and then. The others were not paying even less attention to them, which Asami was grateful for.

Another squeeze in her hand made her turn her attention back to the Uchiha lying before her. She pressed her lips together. It was difficult for her to see him like this. This helplessness she wasn't used to, the defenselessness that didn't suit him at all. It was as if she was looking at a different person.

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