Chapter 4 | Dream

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Hearing that name caused Asami to stop breathing. Shock was written all over her face, along with a few other indescribable emotions which Shikamaru could not decipher.

Asami put her hand against her mouth, at a loss for words. Now, it wasn't only her mind that was spinning, but her vision as well. To think that only one name could cause so many mixed emotions. So many, that it made Asami feel sick.

Madara? Fighting a war almost eighty years after his death?

The thought made her stomach turn even more. Asami knew very well he held a grudge against Konoha, but that was so long ago! The people from that time aren't here anymore, so what was the reason? Why was he here and what was he fighting for?

The questions she wanted to have answered to badly only raised more confusion and even more questions.

Questions she could only ask the notorious Uchiha, for only he knew the answer.

''Oi, Asami.'' Shikamaru grunted and he reached out, but he seemed hesitant to touch her. Her reaction surprised him.

Asami held up her hand, gesturing that she was alright, as she still used the other hand to cover her mouth. She felt nauseous. What was she supposed to say, supposed to think?

Just what was Madara doing?

''Madara..?'' Asami whispered hoarsely, blinking in confusion, still trying to process it all. ''Why would he..?''

''You knew him?'' The Hyuga girl asked, and once again, Asami merely nodded.

''Does he have any weaknesses?'' A guy from the crowd asked. ''Is there a way to defeat him?''

More people started to ask questions, and suddenly Asami regretted telling them she knew the Uchiha. Her breathing trembled. She felt betrayed somehow.

Madara was here, fighting a war. Her summoning was definitely related to him, but he just left her to her own devices, letting her wander through deserts and forest while her mind was clouded with confusion. 

Asami didn't want this. She wanted him to have come to her, help her and explain to her, but could she really have expected that from him?

''You have to tell us!'' One of the men urged, and Asami gritted her teeth.

A few minutes ago, they pierced her with a sword and now they were almost begging her to help them? While she understood their situation, it still troubled her.

Even if she wanted to help, which meant betraying Madara, she didn't know the answers to their questions.  He never told her about his weaknesses, nor had she heard anybody talk about it. 

''..I don't know.'' Asami murmured softly, but audibly. ''I didn't know him that well.''

Lying through her teeth seemed the only option to get them to stop asking questions, but also not to make herself seem suspicious. While it wasn't fair to them, Asami didn't regret her choice. They'd probably think she was their enemy if she told them how well she actually knew the Uchiha.

But they didn't need to know how she was connected to Madara. Asami didn't have the answers they wanted, so she might as well tell them she didn't know anything at all.

While most people were disappointed, dejected expressions on their faces, Shikamaru didn't seem very convinced. The surprise on her face when he told her who their opponent was told him she knew him better than she claimed. She was clearly upset. If Asami and Madara were really just acquaintances, she wouldn't have reacted like that.

''Shikamaru, we have to keep moving.'' Kiba said as he stood next to him. ''Naruto is waiting for reinforcements.''

Shikamaru nodded slowly, realizing that they can't be held up by a reincarnated woman in the midst of a war. 

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