Chapter 5 | Beneficial

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Asami held Kouta securely in her arms, letting her fingers run through his short hair, as if that'd make the sensation in her hand come back somehow.

They had both stopped crying, and Asami stood now back on her feet, carrying Kouta in her arms. His face was still buried in her kimono, and he refused to let go of her, tightly clinging onto Asami.

The events of that night haunted him, frightened him. He could still feel the sharpness of the blade and the warmth of his blood as it soaked his clothes, which isn't something a mere child should not know the pain and fear of.

He shouldn't even be familiar with it, but unfortunately, Kouta was barely three years old when he was murdered in cold blood by the hands of a stranger.

And shortly after that, it was Asami's turn to be taken out of the world of the living against her will.

Never had she felt so powerless before. That night, that very moment they were totally defenseless. She couldn't save her own son and was unable to save herself.

The moment of one's death was usually decided by fate, but even destiny was divested of this right. Asami's life was ended, and it wasn't fate's choice, nor was it hers.

Something so precious, taken away from her by force. It hurt only for a moment before she was free. Free from the suffering, the pain, from the cruel reality, but also from her own life, which she wanted to spend with her son. She wanted to make him happy, despite their situation. She wanted to watch him grow up, see him grow taller and smarter.

And eventually, she'd had to let him go.

But that all never happened, simply because a person thought to have the entitlement to put an end to the lives of a mother and her child.

Asami pressed her cheek against Kouta's head, enjoying his presence while it was still possible, while he was still here, and looked at Shikamaru, a sad smile played on her lips. ''I'm sorry for holding you up again.'' She murmured, stroking Kouta's back soothingly. ''It won't happen again.''

Shikamaru merely nodded and looked over his shoulder, speaking to those behind him, probably explaining the situation.

Asami sighed softly and pressed another kiss against Kouta's hair, whispering calming words against his head, telling him everything was going to be alright, while she couldn't be more doubtful of what was ahead of them, especially what was ahead of her.

After all, Asami absolutely refused to get Kouta involved in this war.

Her green eyes flickered to her right when one of the people she saw Shikamaru talk to before approaching her. He had a rotund build and wore a red suit with plated armor on his torso, arms, and upper legs. On his cheeks, he had markings in the form of swirls. His eyes fixated on the child in the Uzumaki's arms for a while, before he looked up. ''Is he your son?" He asked, looking back at the young boy.

Asami ran her hand through Kouta's dark locks, pressing her lips together for a second before answering. ''Yes, he is.'' She murmured quietly. ''I didn't expect to see him again.''

''What's his name?" The Hyuga girl from before asked, standing now next to the boy.

''His name is Uzumaki Kouta.'' Asami answered, and the corners of her lips curled up into a tiny smile. Never had she introduced her child to anyone before. Living in solitude, away from the civilized world was the reason that only a very select group of people knew about Kouta's existence. And this select group was composed of Keiji, Kaede and Asami.

Showing other people Kouta, someone who she was so proud to call her son, felt incredibly good.

 This reminded her of the one thing she had always regretted not doing.

It wasn't leaving the village. It also wasn't betraying the people she regarded as friends and family, the people dear to her. Staying away from the village even after Madara's death was also something she didn't feel sorry about.

It was not being able to show Mito her nephew, the boy who filled Asami's solitary days with joy and happiness.

''Kouta inherited your last name, Asami-san?" The boy asked curiously. ''Not your husband's?''

Asami tensed slightly, but tried not to let anyone notice her uneasiness at the sudden question. ''He wasn't my husband.'' She mumbled, moving her gaze back to Kouta, seeing the similarities between him and his father on his face. ''He died when I was pregnant, so I let Kouta have my name instead.''

It was a lie covered up with a part of the truth. Madara did indeed die, but never did Asami even think about giving Kouta the Uzumaki name. While the people didn't speak very positively about the Uchiha clan, Asami was still proud that her son carried the name of his father.

But this truth had to remain secret, at least for now.

''Ah, I-I'm sorry to hear that.'' The boy stuttered, obviously feeling embarrassed that he asked that question.

Asami smiled, lifting Kouta up and placing him against her other shoulder. ''You don't have to apologize.'' She spoke, caressing her son's back again. ''It's a normal question.''

''I also have a question.''

Asami's eyes landed on Shikamaru, who had been listening to the conversation. ''I still don't understand the reason you're here, but could you tell my why you think Madara reanimated a mother and her child?''

After a few seconds of silence, his brown eyes narrowed, and Asami clenched her jaw unnoticeably. While Shikamaru had been listening to her from the start, even letting her go with them, she understood that he wasn't someone she should underestimate.

In his eyes, she easily detected suspicion.

''How would reanimating a child benefit our enemies?'' The Nara continued, looking at Kouta. His perceptiveness caused her unease. It was already odd that a kid was revived, Asami knew that, but she didn't have the answer to his question. Not the answer he desired.

Asami held Kout tighter, even somewhat protectively. ''I also don't know what the purpose is of bringing my son back to life.'' She defended herself, her tone growing colder, which surprised Shikamaru. He didn't expect her to get so surly all of the sudden, but Asami didn't care if she offended him with her behavior, and continued. ''Maybe to gain pity from you? To gain your trust only to turn us against you later?''

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes even more. It was indeed not the answer he wanted, while he thought that Asami had more knowledge about why she was here than them, but what she said didn't dissatisfy him.

He was simply testing her, unbeknownst to the Uzumaki, by asking her questions and watch her reactions. Instead of them being here, which could be advantageous to their opponents, Shimakaru thought that having encountered them may be favorable to them instead of Madara.

A woman and a child, both control over their own bodies, having no idea what's going on. They were also brought into this world pretty late compared to the other reanimations. It simply didn't add up, so Shikamaru concluded that they weren't revived to fight.

But for what reason they were here, he didn't know.

Not yet,

but he was determined to find out.

He didn't trust Asami. Her words and actions didn't match, she was too defensive when he asked her the question of the purpose of their revival,  and he had the feeling she knew about something she definitely wasn't going to tell them.

While her being here could be beneficial to the Allied Shinobi Forces, he had to be careful,

for Asami may not need to be controlled to go from 'ally' to enemy.

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