Chapter 8 | Home

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Asami had always wanted Madara to meet Kouta.

Even after she got word of his death, she still held hope, though it was utterly futile. A dead man stays dead, but the Uzumaki kept dreaming of his return. Her feelings made sense, though, since Kouta was one of the main reasons for following the infamous Uchiha instead of staying in the village.

After discovering the child in her womb and hearing Madara voice his plan to leave Konoha, she had made up her mind. A fatherless child was something Asami absolutely did not want. Even if Madara survived, he wouldn't be able to return to the village he betrayed, so Asami decided to betray the village with him, to stay with him.

It was out of love, both for Madara and for their unborn child.

Even now, Asami still carried the same wish. The only difference was that her wish could come true now. It was like a second chance, something she should be incredibly grateful for to have, and yet she decided to waste this unique opportunity.

She just couldn't let it happen, not under these circumstances. If Madara was truly here, cutting down people from the next generations for whatever goal he may have, she wouldn't want Kouta to meet him.

Asami had already turned a blind eye when he challenged Hashirama after their defection from Konoha, but she wasn't going to ignore his deeds now. This was unacceptable; fighting a war against our descendants. Madara and Asami lived and died, meaning that their time was over.

How could she possible show Kouta the man who is supposed to be his father now? If Madara was really here, taking lives from people who were simply trying to defend their villages and loved ones while he was the one with the evil intentions, how could Asami possible tell Kouta to be proud of having him as a father?

She couldn't.

So she wasn't going to let him.

''Kou.'' Asami whispered. Crouching down in front of him, she took his chubby cheeks in her hand, caressing them softly with her fingers as her lips curled up into a sad smile. ''Do you want to go home?''


Madara decided not to wait any longer.

He sensed Asami's chakra now, and she was nearer than before, meaning that she was headed here. He had expected this. Madara knew that she'd come. But what bothered him was that he sensed others with her, which was strange.

Why would the Allied Shinobi Forces take a reanimation with them?

The only thing that came to mind was that Asami had teamed up with them, but Madara couldn't imagine that. The Uzumaki was prepared to leave the village behind her, betraying the ones she loved and held dear, so why turn against him now?

Had they been feeding her lies, somehow convincing her that they are doing the right thing? Was she their prisoner? Or maybe she had a reason of her own to go with them? 

Madara narrowed his eyes. Things weren't already going according to plan, but he certainly didn't expect Asami's summoning. He had to leave a clone behind to see the Uzumaki, to talk to her and make her understand, for one thing he knew for sure;

After all Asami had given up for him, she wasn't going to take his side this time.


''Home?'' Kouta asked, now looking up.

Hearing that word made all the fear he had been building up until now go away. Just thinking about it reassured him, made him feel safe. The strangers surrounding them caused him unease, so hearing his mother ask him if he wanted to go to the place where he felt secure brought him great happiness and comfort.

Since he was just a nescient child, not comprehending the situation he was in at all. What happened at their house that evening seemed just a frightening nightmare to him. It had to be. How else was he able to open his eyes now? To breathe?

That's why he wasn't scared of going back to their house. Those terrible people in his dream were creations of his mind. They weren't real.

Asami nodded, studying her son's face while it was still possible, while she still had the time. She pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling in sadness. ''I'm going to take us home.'' She murmured. ''But you'll have to do exactly as I say or else it won't work.''

It was unfair, tricking a child like this, but what else was she supposed to do? Upsetting Kouta was the last thing Asami wanted to do. This time, she wanted him to leave this world peacefully, painlessly. And if making him believe that he'd go back home would clear his mind from negativity, from restlessness, she'd do it.

Asami let her hands slide down from his cheeks to his shoulders, taking them firmly. ''Do you understand?'' She asked, looking straight into those gentle dark eyes, which made her only feel even guiltier.

Kouta nodded, letting out a soft hum.

Asami felt a lump in her throat and she bit her lip. Removing her hands from him, she opened her arms instead. ''Come here.'' She breathed, unable to suppress the burning tears any longer.

Kouta seemed confused as to why her mother started crying so suddenly, but he gladly accepted her invitation, letting her pull him into a loving embrace.

It felt odd, not being able to perceive Asami's warmth. Kouta didn't understand why he couldn't feel it, but he didn't ask. The many people around him scared him, so Kouta had barely said anything, and he wouldn't say much more than he already has.

Trying to ignore the same stares directed at him, he buried his face into Asami's kimono, his small hands gripping her clothes tightly.

Asami exhaled shakily, pressing a few kisses against the side of his face. ''I love you so much.'' She whimpered, holding him as close as possible. ''Let's go for a walk again when we're back, okay?''

Asami couldn't help but smile slightly when she felt Kouta press his face against her stomach, meaning that he was excited. He was looking forward to something which was never going to happen.

Asami brushed her lips against his hair, kissing him one last time.

''Kouta,'' She whispered hoarsely. ''Close your eyes.''

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