I cried for hours, days, weeks. Everytime I got home from school and went straight to bed to cry. Sometimes I would even pretend to be sick so I didn't have to go. My life was a living hell at that point.
I tried to get my mind off of him. I went to the mall with Sarah and sometimes I would see the boy with the brown hair that was with Thomasz when I met him in the bar. He was always alone or with a girl, But I never saw T with him again. Still, Whenever I saw him, my heart broke in a million pieces because I always remembered that day... The day he asked me out. The day when we had our first Kiss. My first Kiss. I had never kissed someone before.
And there I was again, thinking about him. I had to let it go. I had to get him out of my mind. Sarah had this 'great idea' to set me up on a date. I wasn't that excited about it, But it was sweet of her to help me. So when we went shopping, I bought a Gorgeous black dress.
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Saturday was date-day. 2pm at the stairs of the cinema, she told me. It was already 11am when I woke up. I took a shower, did my make up, straightened my hair and put on my dress. 1pm. I still had Some time. I descided to have lunch with my mom. We never talked a lot. I mean, we talked, But never about something important or so. We talked about the weather and about her work. She cleans the hospital in our city. I looked at the clock and It was already 2pm. I was late. Shit. Good thing the cinema isn't far from our home. I took my Bike and drove there as fast as I could.
He was already there. Brown hair, old fashion Justin Bieber haircut, brown eyes, not so tall. He was cute. He had rose in his hand and gave it to me the moment he saw me. "Hi, my name is Sebastian."
We had a wonderful time, But it didn't feel right. After all, he was not Thomasz. Would I ever feel the Same for someone as I did for him? Maybe not..
We said goodbye and i went back home. I ran to my bed and... cried. I think I never cried so hard since his last text. I never heard from him again.
My phone buzzed. I look at the screen, hoping it was him. But instead it was a unknown number.
Meet me Wednesday after school at the candy store. Please trust me, we need to talk. I hope to see you there.
I didn't know what do to. Who could it be? What do they want? This was so weird.