Jesse's POV (6)

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For the first day of camp, it wasn't too bad. I spent time with Jordan and befriended someone in my cabin. His name's Alex, and I've only spoken to him a few times, but he's one of the only people at this camp who hasn't pissed me off yet.

"Okay, boys," a voice said as he entered the cabin. Dallas closed the door behind him and stood with his hands behind his back. He acted like he was a lot older and more mature than us, even though he's only four years older. "I'm your counselor, Dallas Berg. If you have a question, ask me or another counselor of the camp. I'll be going over a few more rules, but first, could you introduce yourselves?

The seven names of the other boys were said, and I was barely paying attention. Dallas crossed his arms, looking at me from the door. I was lying on my bed, waiting for him to leave so my prank could commence, but he didn't leave.

"And you?" Dallas said to me, furrowing his eyebrows. He knew who I was, we spoke earlier while he was watching Jordan like she was a mythical creature. He ditched her at his prom and she even missed school because of it. Jordan Emery never missed a day of school.

The only day she actually missed school because of a sickness was when she had strep throat. She still tried going to school with strep throat.

"Aw, come on," I teased. "You remember me, don't you, Dally?"

His eyes narrowed and he started going over the basic rules like asking him before going out and being inside the cabin before midnight. Chances are, I wouldn't finish the prank I had planned quick enough to be in before midnight.

I had to wait for hours until Dallas left and the boys were asleep. At about two in the morning, I shook awake a few of the guys and we made our way over to Cabin C.

The door to their cabin was locked, but that's when being in a gang was useful. I picked the lock with ease and tried my best to remain silent. The boys each had their own task, and we all knew exactly what we were doing right then.

I was pouring syrup on each of the girls, being careful about where I placed my feet. One loud noise and everything would be ruined.

Fifteen minutes later, each girl was covered in syrup, strings and toilet paper were being hung by the ceiling, shaving cream was all around the girls' beds and a bucket full of feathers was balancing above the door.

"Dude, this is brilliant," someone said from behind me, excitement in his voice. I didn't bother to look at who it was, because my attention was focused on how nice Jordan looked while she slept.

"Yeah," I shrugged, not taking my eyes off of her. She'd be surprised the next day. I wondered what she'd look like when she comes to my cabin early tomorrow morning.

"Man, Jordan's even hotter when she sleeps, if that's possible!" Max said, and I felt my fists clench slightly. I wasn't sure if I saw Jordan twitch or it was just my imagination. "I could touch her and she wouldn't even know..."

Max moved his hand closer to her body and I slapped it away seconds before it touched her.

"Touch her and you die," I threatened, glaring at him.

"I was just messing around!" He threw his hands up in defeat. "She won't even know."

"But I will. If you touch her, I will personally kill you."

I added the final touch, which was a pair of my boxers draping over Jordan's face with a note inside them I had written myself.

You just couldn't keep your hands out of my pants, could you, Emery? I didn't know you felt that way about me! I'm touched. I thought Dallas was the only one who could steal your heart. But I hope you have fun with our surprise! It was sure fun making it.

We left their cabin, heading back to our own. Right then, I had a strong dislike for Max. If he even laid a finger on her, I'd break his hand.


I woke up early the next day, knowing it probably wasn't the best choice to only sleep for five hours. There was a banging sound against the door, and I already knew who it was.

"Why, Emery, is that a new look?" I asked once I opened the door, revealing Jordan covered in syrup and feathers. "Because I think the chicken look's kind of our of style. Sorry to break it to you. Maybe you should have your duct tape friend show you how to dress."

Her eyes narrowed and she reached forward and grabbed on to my grey shirt with both hands. Jordan tried looking tough and menacing, but she wasn't doing a very good job at it.

"You're such a bastard, Jacobsen."

"I know," I chuckled, cocking my head to the side. She wanted to hit me, but she wanted it to hurt. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't hurt me. She looked behind me to see every guy in the cabin laughing, except for Ryan.

"Jordan?" Someone said from behind us. Her mouth was open and she stood there in complete shock when she figured out who it was. Jordan's fingers stayed wrapped around my shirt, and I didn't want her to let go. I didn't want her to leave so early. Of course Dallas had to ruin it. He always did.

My eyebrows furrowed and my mouth fell when I noticed how upset she looked because Dallas caught her looking like this. I pulled away from her, not wanting her to hold on to me anymore. I didn't want Dallas talking to her or seeing her. If he could leave her alone for the rest of her life, that'd be great.

"Yeah, it's Jordan," was all I said before shutting the door in Jordan's face. I didn't hear her walking away, so I was sure she was waiting outside the cabin. Only a few seconds later, footsteps were being heard running away.

I knew she was going to get me back for this, and I couldn't wait.

(I don't proof read so I apologize if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation, ect.)

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