Jesse's POV (44)

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The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that I wasn't in my cabin, nor my old bedroom. My eyelids were heavy as I tried keeping them open, but I managed. My throat was dry, and I tried my best to ignore the pain in my shoulder.

A nurse came into my room, greeting me and asking how I was feeling. Other than my shoulder, nothing was hurting much. I remembered why I was in there almost immediately, but I soon started to worry about Jordan.

What if Hunter had killed her? What was I supposed to do then?

Pushing aside the horrible thoughts, I tried assuring myself that Jordan was okay. I couldn't rush to conclusions, although that's what I usually did. A doctor was in my room sometime after, asking me about my shoulder. There wasn't much to say, but I answered every question. He left shortly after, leaving me to nothing but the silence in my room.

I had only been out for a few hours, but I felt like I missed so much. Jordan couldn't even be alive, and I wouldn't know. All I could do was sit and wait. 

When the door flew open, I turned my head, expecting to see the doctor again. Instead, my eyes locked with brown ones, and I saw Jordan smile widely. I returned the smile, seeing that she was okay. "Jorda–"

Before I could finish the first word, Jordan was gently pushed out of the way, revealing my mother. I was told that she'd be coming to see me, but I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. Jordan stumbled, but kept her balance as my mother rushed over to me.

"Jesse, I'm so glad you're okay!" She sobbed, hugging me tightly. I wrapped one arm around her, due to the fact that my other one still hurt like hell. "I thought you were dead! We had a funeral and everything!"

"Alright, Ma," I wheezed, trying to get her off of me in the nicest way possible. "Okay, Ma, I understand. You missed me, I get it. Now get off, that hurts."

"I know you'd rather be hugged by your girlfriend," she smiled widely, and I felt my eyes widen. So they already met. I felt my cheeks start heating up. "But I thought you've been dead for the past month!"

"I understand, Ma," I nodded, hoping that the blush wasn't too visible. "I understand."

My mother turned toward Jordan with the same smile on her face, waiting for her to say something. "I'll give you two some time alone. I can tell how much you two just want to be together, so I'll go talk to the doctor and get everything situated."

She left the room, and I tried hiding the fact that I was completely flustered. I knew that they had met, but just how much had she told Jordan? I spilled to my mother about Jordan years ago, and I can only hope she didn't say anything to embarrassing.

"Jordan, come here," I told her, watching as she gave me a smile. She looked like she had been crying earlier, and I'm sure she had been. "Come on, Jordan."

Slowly, she took a few steps closer until she stood right next to my bed. I was expecting her to lean over and hug me, but she just stood there.

"I don't get a hug or anything?" I teased. "Fine then, be that way..."

"I don't want to hurt you," Jordan mumbled, looking up from the floor and facing me. My eyes widened when I realized that she was thinking of what happened earlier. Before I could say anything, she slipped her hand into mine. "It hurt you when your mom hugged you, so I don't want to take the chance of hurting you even more."

"I'm willing to get hurt if it's for you," I told her softly, gripping her hand and pulling her closer to me. I threw my arms over her shoulders as she started crying into my neck. Hushing her, I ran my fingers through her hair, whispering, "It's okay, Jordan... It's okay..."

There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Jesse's POV)Where stories live. Discover now