Jesse's POV (36)

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"Are you sure you can walk?" I asked Jordan as we left the hospital.

"I can walk just fine," Jordan snapped as she continued to walk like she just learned how. I had an urge to just pick her up and carry her to the car, but I didn't. "I'm not a baby, you know."

"You sure walk like it."

Jordan lifted her bag and smacked me with it. She gave me a flat look, causing me to grin widely as I helped her get into the passenger seat of my car.

"I can't wait to be back," Jordan sighed, tilting her head back. "The hospital was so boring. It felt like I'd never be able to leave."

I started my car, pulling out of the lot as we began talking. "I thought your brother was going to bite my head off when he came to visit," I said, keeping my attention on the road. I was hoping that we could just forget about what happened with Hunter, but I don't think that it would be possible. I could never forget the feeling in my stomach when I saw her and Hunter together. It's inexplicable, but it was awful.

"He was grilling you with questions like there was no tomorrow," Jordan let out a sigh, smiling a little. "It was kind of funny."

"Not when he asked me what my intentions with you were," I asked, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. Again, there was no way he could've known how much I really felt about Jordan. I've been her enemy for four years, and now we were dating. "It was like he expected me to just tell him that I'm with you just to screw you or something. I'm pretty sure that's what he thought."

"Austin's like that sometimes," Jordan shrugged, cupping her elbow with her hand. "He's not super overprotective or anything. He wouldn't have been asking you questions like that if you hadn't acted like such a jerk when we were younger."

"What was I supposed to do? We didn't exactly meet in the best way. What was I supposed to say? I was nervous so all I could do was laugh and tease you," I defended, remembering the day so clearly that it was unhealthy. There were actually several reasons why I acted the way I did when I was younger, and now it was time for the consequences to commence. "I'm not exactly the smoothest guy in front of you."

"What were you thinking?" Jordan crossed her arms. "You could have said what you were thinking. If you had apologized or something, I wouldn't have been angry and I probably wouldn't have hated you for three and a half years."

"I couldn't say what I was thinking," I mumbled, keeping my gaze off of Jordan. I never told her about how I fell in love with her the second I saw her. I've always kept my thoughts about her to myself, but whenever someone asked, I proudly stated that I was in love with a girl named Jordan Emery.

"What were you thinking?" Jordan repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Tell me, I want to know. It should be okay now, since we're together and everything.

"I was thinking that even though I hadn't even known you for a few seconds, I already thought you were the most amazing and beautiful girl that I had ever seen in my entire life," I answered shyly, surprised that I actually admitted it to someone. She was the only girl who made me talk like this, and I wasn't a fan of talking about it.

"Aw," Jordan smiled, causing me to blush even harder than I was before. "That's so cute. I didn't know you were so sweet, Jesse."

"Okay, no mushy crap please," Alex said from the back seat, causing Jordan to jump. I almost forgot that he was in the car with us. "You two just got out of the biggest fight you've ever had, and now you're back to being all gross."

"You're just jealous," Jordan teased, looking over her shoulder to the blonde in the back. She stuck out her tongue, not affecting Alex in anyway. "You and Lexi don't have the same kind of relationship as Jesse and I do."

There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Jesse's POV)Where stories live. Discover now