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"Hey Fraiser!"

Melody turned around, tucking her long hair behind one ear. Her shift had ended an hour ago and now she was finally making her way home.  "Yeah?" She called over the chatter of doctors and beeping machines.

Doctor Richards hurried towards her, her son William in her arms and cooing. Melody couldn't help but smile as she took them in, she was quite fond of William, having delivered him via-emergency C-section last winter.  

"You off now?" The surgeon asked and Melody nodded.

"Yes, did you need something?"  Richards husband, a renowned chemist was currently away in Maryland, working on a research project. Miranda had taken to visiting him often as she was able. Melody figured she was going to ask to swap a shift or two, so she could get the weekend off.

"Just wondered where you were off to," the black woman shrugged. "Normally we have to drag you from this place to get you to leave. The only time we didn't was when..." Miranda's smile flickered when she saw the hurt on Melody's face. 

"When he was around," Melody finished, heart climbing up her throat. "Look Miranda, I'd love to stay and chat, but Sharon and I are supposed to meet for dinner. I don't want to be late."

Richards smiled, but this time it was forced. "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Melody said, walking towards the doors of the hospital. "You will, bye Richards"

And without further word, Melody walked out into the windy, chilly October evening. No, she hadn't heard from James in a very long time. The last time she had seen him in person was had been a year and a half ago.  She  walked on, throat thick through the streets of New York City. The chaotic noise of car engines, shouting drivers, wind and flashing signs did nothing to distract her from the memories.

Her hand curled around the little red star around her neck. She'd gotten it in September, a small package wrapped in plain brown paper with a note that said thirty-one years is too long Melody. The note had been typed, there has been no return address and no name, but when she'd opened the little box and saw the silver chain with the small red star, she knew.  Her first birthday present. She hadn't taken it off since.

Melody sighed, feeling her heart twist as she walked towards Bert's-her favorite bistro. She hadn't been lying to Richards when she said she was meeting Sharon. Her friend had been in Europe over the last few months and had just returned. Though Melody didn't know all the details, she knew it had been a disaster. The Skovia Accords had divided the Avengers and when the Winter Solider had supposedly blown up the meeting for them, it had turned Captain America and several other Avengers into criminals. It had been a great mess and Sharon had only returned now from trying to clean it up.

Melody's heeled-boots clicked on the cement as she entered the patio of the bistro and she beamed when she saw the long blonde hair and leather jacket of her best friend.

Sharon stood up, beaming as well. "Mel!" She cried happily as Melody approached and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Hi Sharon," she grunted. It was quite difficult to speak with crushed ribs. "I can't breathe."

"Sorry," the agent laughed and loosened her grip. "It's just really, really good to see you. I already ordered for us, I hope that's okay." Sharon let go and both women sat down at the iron table. The building, thankfully was blocking out most of the wind.

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