What Happened to Percy? Part2

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On Olympus
~Annabeth POV~
Oh my Gods! My husband's a girl! Wait, wouldn't that make him- I mean her my wife? I don't know. You may be thinking 'are you still together?' And I say yes because I love him, er, her deeply, and we're married, I'm not going to let some stupid thing like this break us apart. I love Percy. I guess I should come up with a new name for her. Persephone? No, Percilla? No, Persea(a/n pronounced the same as Percy)? Yes, that sounds good, I'll ask her later about it.
We walked into the throne room where we saw Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Artimis, and Aphrodite. I cleared my throat, effectively gaining everyone's attention.
"Why have you come here? And who is that?" Zeus questions.
"We've come because this is Percy." I answer, gesturing to Percy beside me.
All the the Gods' eyes widen, except for Aphrodite's, at this. Percy, being Percy, just smiles sheepishly, gives a small wave, and says, " hey." Typical Seaweed Brain.*eye roll*
Poseidon came down from his throne and ran over to Percy, engulfing her in a hug, and asked, " Who did this to you, my child?" Percy just points to Aphrodite and everyone looks at her.
"What?" She says, trying to sound innocent. Key word: trying. "He wouldn't help me so I turned him into a her." She said, trying to defend herself.
Zeus then glared at her and commanded, "Turn Percy back. Now."
Aphrodite let out a huff and turned to Percy. She snapped her fingers but nothing happens. She tries it again and again, but nothing happens. She smiles sheepishly and let out a strained chuckle, "Umm...It appears that I can't."
At this, I get mad. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T?!?" I yell.
Aphrodite flinched and said, "it's permanent. Percy is now a girl forever."
Percy had came over to me when I stopped and hugged me. I calmed down and hugged her back. We just stayed there like that for a while.

~Athena POV~
As I watched Percy and my daughter hug, I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. They have been through so much, too much, and saved us countless times. I want to do something to help them with this. I thought about it for a minute, then I knew just what to do. I got off my throne and shrunk to my human size and hugged them. Soon. Poseidon joined in the family hug.
Then I stood up and said, "I would like to give you something. I would like to give my daughter the ability to have thought children so she and Percy will be able to have kids." I say with a smile.
Annabeth looks up and mouths 'thank you' and I wave my hand and Annabeth starts to glow grey. When it fades, I am engulfed in a hug from my daughter and I happily hug back.
Poseidon whispers something to his now daughter and she nods. He stands up and says with a smile, "I, too, would like to my uh daughter something. I would like to give her the ability to make children out of the sea." Then we had family hug and it was lovely.

~Percy POV~
Once we broke apart from the hug, Annabeth pulled me aside and kissed me, I kissed back. When we came apart , we were both grinning like idiots. "So, since you're a girl now, you need a new name, don't you think?" Annabeth asked, I nodded. "Okay. I was thinking maybe Persea, like as in sea, what do think?"
"Persea? I love it! Thank you Wise Girl!" I said hugging her.
We went back to the middle of the room and announced my new name. After hugs goodbye, we left, glaring at Aphrodite on the way out.

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