The Alley That's Crazier and More Crowded Than New York

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~Persea POV~

We went to this place that my mom said was called 'Diagon Alley' to get supplies after breakfast. It was so crowded and hectic, and that's coming from someone who grew up in New York, so that's saying something.

Annabeth, my mom, and I went to this shop that sold wands called 'Ollivanders' and this old guy came to the front.

"Ah, Sally Riddle, how is that wand treating you?" he said to my mom.

"It's Sally Jackson now, Ollivander, and it's doing quite well, thank you." she replied.

"Ah, of course." he turned to me, "And you must be Persea Jackson,eh, my mother told me you would be coming."

"Um, who is your mother?" I asked. He didn't answer instead, he pulled up his sleeve to show an SPQR tattoo with two torches. "Oh."

He smiled at me and pulled his sleeve back down. "I know just the wand for you." He said and went to the back of the shop and returned with a box the same sea green as my eyes with a blue triton on it. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ocean blue wand. He took it out and handed it to me. "Now give it swish." I did and a trail of water and the scent of the ocean came from the tip. "Yes, yes, 12 1/2 inches, applewood and a rare combination of mermaid, unicorn, and pegasus hair. A very powerful and loyal wand to its wielder, Mrs. Persea Jackson. Treat it well. Now for you, Mrs. Annabeth Jackson."

"What? I'm not a wizard." Annie said.

"Oh, but my mother gave you her blessing so you could fit in at Hogwarts." He disappeared to the back of the shop once again.

I took this time to study my wand. It was beautiful, it had dark blue swirls on the handle and fit comfortably in my hand.

 It was beautiful, it had dark blue swirls on the handle and fit comfortably in my hand

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Ollivander came back with a stormy grey box with a black owl on it. He opened it up to reveal a simple looking wand but at the end of the hand there was a carving of an owl.

 He opened it up to reveal a simple looking wand but at the end of the hand there was a carving of an owl

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He took it out and handed it to Annabeth. "Well, go on, give it swish." She did as he said and grey smoke and the faint sound of owls came from it. "Ah, 11 1/2 inches, olive wood, and a rare core of a feather from one of Athena's sacred owls. Very powerful and loyal. It will do well for you."

"How much?" my mom asked.

"Oh, no, no need to pay. My mother already took care of everything. You just needed your wands and robes, everything else is already at Hogwarts." Ollivander said.

"Oh, well, that makes things much easier. Thank you, Ollivander." mom said and then we left to get our robes and meet up with the others.

After we got our robes, we met the others at the Leaky Cauldron and had dinner. After we went back to Grimmauld Place and went to bed. After tomorrow, it's off to Hogwarts!

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