Yer A Wizard, Persea!

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A/N I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling do

~Persea POV~

At the Jackson-Blowfish Residence (LOL)

A couple days later

When we arrived at my mom's and stepdad's apartment, I could hear faint talking coming from inside and I could sense a godly presence inside. I knocked on the door and heard faint footsteps getting louder as they neared the door. When they stopped and the door opened to my mother, she pulled me into a hug, which I immediately returned. She pulled away and hugged Annabeth, who quickly returned the gesture. We walked in and I saw an ancient-looking man with a long white beard and wearing dark blue robes, an old, not nearly as ancient as the man, woman with graying brown hair pulled into a tight bun and also wearing robes, but hers were a dark green, and Lady Hecate wearing a dark blue, almost black, dress that went to the floor. Immediately, Annabeth and I bowed.

"Rise, young heroes, you need not bow to any gods for you have saved us more times than any other in history." Lady Hecate said with a small smile on her lips. "Now, onto why I have come here." When she said that, her face turned serious. "This is Professor Albus Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall, Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She said, gesturing to the people who are sitting beside her on the couch.

"Okay, so what does this have to do with me? I'm not a wizard." I said, but when I looked towards my mom, her face said something that I did not want it to.

"Well, Persea, I have been hiding something from you. Why don't you and Annabeth sit down while I tell you?" mom said. We sat down on the other couch and she sat down in the armchair opposite of us. "You know how I said my parents died in a plane crash? Well, that was only half true. My father didn't die on that plane, he was in England. His name is Tom Riddle, or more commonly known in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort. My mother and I fled once she found out that he was evil and killing people. We fled to the States and cut off all connection with the wizarding world except for a few people like Dumbledore and my friend, Molly, to keep up with what was going on in England. That was about 17 or so years ago. Now, he is back and getting more powerful and more followers everyday. Persea, can you please help with this war. I know you don't  want to be dragged into another war, but they need your help, Persea, please." 

"Of course, mom, I'm not going to stand on the side lines and watch as hundreds of people are killed." I told her as I walked over to her and hugged her. I stood up and faced Hecate and the wizards, "So, I have another evil grandpa that I need to help in a war against?" they just nodded, "Well, what do I need to do to help?"

"Can you teach Ancient Runes at Hogwarts? It would be good to have your insight on Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Norse mythology teaching the class." the lady whose name was McGonagall. 

A/N I just realized that I didn't include Dumbledore, he is a son of Zeus and Legacy of Hecate.

I let out a laugh, "You want ME to TEACH?! You should know that me and school don't mix, like, at all. But, if you need me that bad that you're giving me a teaching job, then I guess I will. As long as Annabeth gets to come with me. I'm not going anywhere without her." I grabbed Annabeth's hand, who was now standing next to me in front of the wizards and the goddess.

"Of course, I would never think about separating you and your wife. I would not want to be on your bad side. Now, we need to leave as soon as possible. I will meet you at Half-Blood Hill tomorrow afternoon. That should give you enough time to pack and say your goodbyes." Lady Hecate said.

"I will also becoming with you. I want to see my friends from Hogwarts, I haven't seen them in ages." mom said with a smile.

"Okay, we will be going now, see you soon, Persea, and you, Annabeth." Dumbledore said with a smile. Hecate, McGonagall, and Dumbledore left with a crack. 

We stayed a little bit longer and talked with my mom then we left saying goodbye and see you tomorrow.

At Heroes, Jackson Residence

We packed our bags, which included all of Annabeth's clothes, some clothes we bought for me, nectar, ambrosia, and Drachmas, and went to bed.

The Next Day

We woke up and got dressed. After we ate, went to the Big House to tell Chiron where we'll be for the next year. We said goodbye to our friends, minus Thals because she's with the hunt along with Reyna, she joined the hunt when she and Pinecone Face got married, saying we will IM(Iris Message) them at least once or twice a week.

We were waiting at the top of Half Blood Hill next to Thalia's Tree and Pelius when we heard a crack and saw Lady Hecate and my mom. We left with another crack and I felt a wave of nausea. When it was over, I saw that we were in front of a townhouse looking place. I saw Dumbledore walking towards us.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again, please come inside. This is the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix and where you'll be staying until the school year begins. Goodbye grandmother, and thank you for bringing them here." he said once he was in front of us.

"No need to thank me, Albus, and goodbye to all of you. I may be checking in once in awhile to make sure everything is alright." and with that, Hecate left with a crack.

We gathered our bags and went inside the place that I saw was '12 Grimmauld Place' after concentrating for awhile on a plaque by the door before going in. Dumbledore directed us to a room, where we set our stuff down, and followed him to a kitchen looking place where there was a long table and a bunch of adults, who I can only assume are wizards, sitting along it. They looked at us and then a woman with bright red hair that looked to be about my mom's age got up and said, "Sally!" She went over to my mom and hugged her. "It's so good to see you again!"

"You too, Molly! I've missed you so much!" my mom replied as they broke away from the hug. "Arthur, Remus, Sirius, it's good to see you all again."

"Sevvy! We haven't seen you in awhile. How've you been?" I blurted out when I saw the son of Trivia.

"Percy? Is that you? What happened?" Severus asked, eyes wide with shock at seeing my new appearance.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later." I replied, Snape nodded.

"Okay, I think some introductions are in order." My Wise Girl said. "I'm Annabeth and this is my hu-wife Persea."

I saw many of the wizards eyes widen at that. Once they got over there shock, introductions started to go around the table.

"I'm Sally Jackson"

"I'm Molly Weasley" the red haired lady said.

"Arthur Weasley"

"Sirius Black"

"Remus Lupin"

"Severus Snape" Sevvy said in his monotonous voice.

"Rubeus Hagrid" he was huge, and I mean HUGE!


There were a couple other people, but I didn't pay attention. Once the introductions were done, Annabeth and I were asked to leave. When we left and went upstairs, we found seven kids at the top of the stairs staring at us curiously.

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