Hanging Out With the Guys

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Camp Hero Arena
~Persea POV~
I am hanging out with the guys right now at the arena and I'm sparring with Jason right now. It's kinda awkward right now because I'm not used to this body yet but I'm still kicking Jason's butt. Wait, now that I think about it, I realize that he's going easy on me! That's just low. I sweep his feet from under him, causing him to fall to the ground, and I put Riptide to his neck. Then, I start to yell at him, "WHAT THE HADES, JASON?! WHY ARE YOU GOING EASY ON ME?! IS IT BECAUSE I'M A GIRL NOW? BECAUSE WE BOTH SHOULD KNOW THAT GIRLS ARE JUST AS GOOD AT FIGHTING AS GUYS! SO WHY IN TARTARUS, ARE YOU, OF ALL PEOPLE, GOING EASY ON ME!"
Jason flinched as I yelled at him. "Sorry, I won't do it again." He said as he put his hands in a surrender way.
"Good." I say as I help him up. "That goes for all of you as well, got it?" I say looking at the others, they nod their heads saying 'yes.'
"So...What's up with, ya know, being a girl?" Leo asks, starting a conversation.
"Yeah, do you have to deal with everything, like everything everything or what?" Travis asked. I just give him my scariest wolf glare and all of them shrink back at the intensity of it, I think it got even scarier now that I'm a girl.
"Well, how are you and Annabeth doing?" Nico asks, as he's the first one unfrozen.
"Oh, you know, same old, same old. We still love each other to bits, Annabeth's pregnant-" I start but was cut off by Jason.
"Wait, Annabeth's pregnant? Who's the dad?" He asked.
"Well, I am, Sparky, or did you forget that she's my wife?" I say with an amused smirk on my face.
"Well, Congratulations Perce." Frank says as he give me a pat on the back, which sends me stumbling forward, almost falling on my face.
Once I regain my posture, I turn to Frank and say, "Hey, watch it Frank, I'm more top heavy now." This sends the rest into a fits of laughs.
"Oops. Sorry Perce." Frank says.
"It's okay." I turn to the others, who were still laughing their heads off, "Shut up before stab you all!" At this, they immediately stop laughing.
"So, how'd you take the news?" Travis asks.
"Well, I fainted twice." I mumble.
"Huh? What was that Perce?" Conner says.
I sigh, "I fainted...twice, first when w woke up and she said she did have morning sickness, implying that she was pregnant, and second when the pregnancy test came out positive."
They were about to laugh but held it back when I glared at them.
"You know, Persea, I would've had the same reaction. So...you're going to be a mom?" Jason says. Then, realization hits me.
"Oh schist! I haven't told my mom what happened! I'll sea you later guys!" I say as I run back to my house.

The Jackson Residence
I quickly made a rainbow and threw a Drachma in saying, "Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Sally Jackson, New York." It shimmered and my mom appeared in the mist. "Uh...hey mom."
She looks up and gasps, "Percy? Is that you?" I nod my head and explain everything to her. "Oh, Persea, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Your life is just so unfair."
"It's okay mom. I still got Annabeth and a little one on the way!"
At this my Mom's eyes widen and she smiles, "I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be a grandmother!"
"Thanks, and me and Annabeth will visit as soon as possible, okay?"
"Okay, bye Persea."
"Bye mom." And with that I slash through the message.
I walk upstairs and lay on my bed. Today was crazy.

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