First Day of Classes

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~Persea POV~

We still had a day before classes start, so Annabeth, Draco, Luna, Neville, and I set up my classroom and make a class plan. 

Everyone had gotten their class schedules this morning and mine went like this:

1. 5th years

2. 6th years

3. 4th years

4. 2nd years

5. 7th years

6. 3rd years

7. 1st years

So I have all the demigods first thing in the morning. It also looks like the Weasleys and Harry took my advice and joined my class. I might tell them about everything, I like them and if I'm going to help them in this war then they should know what I am and the world I come from, for their own safety. Also, Hermione seems like an incredibly smart girl and will most likely find out on her own if I don't tell her first.

I'm going to wait on that for a little bit, probably until Annie starts showing and they start asking questions, then I'll tell them. So, in a month or so. 

Time Skip from Hermes Overnight Express

I sat at my desk as I watched the students file in and take their seats, the demigods sitting in the front. Once everyone has sat down, I stood up and walked to the chalkboard and wrote 'Good Morning, Class' in Greek.

"Can anyone tell me what this says?" I saw the hands of the demigods and Hermione Granger. "Yes, Miss Granger, what does it say?"

"You wrote 'Good Morning, Class' in Greek." she answered. 

"Good,good. Now, we will be starting with Greek Mythology and Ancient Greek. So, who can tell me the names of the fourteen Olympians? Miss Lovegood?"

"There is Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Athena, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Artemis, Dionysus, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite." 

"Excellent! Now, lets start at the beginning. First, there was the Void, then, Lady Chaos came and created the first Primordials, which was Lady Gaea, Lord Ouranos, Lady Nyx, Lord Tartarus, Lord Pontos, and many others. Gaea and Ouranos got married and had the titans, such as Kronos, Rhea, Oceanus, and Iapetus. (A/N I legit teared up when I wrote Iapetus. *goes to window at night and yells up at the sky* ZOEY, BOB SAYS HELLO!!!!!)  They also had the Elder Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handed Ones. Then, Kronos and four of his brothers held down their father and Kronos cut him into tiny pieces and while Ouranos was held down, he told Kronos that his children will do the same to him. Kronos became the King of the world and years later, he and Rhea had the gods, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. Kronos, fearing what his father said, swallowed his children except Zeus, who Rhea hid away until he was old enough. Zeus gave his father a concoction that made him regurgitate his children. The gods and the titans fought a huge war that is known as the Titan War. Then there was the Olympian Council, with Zeus as king, and his wife, Hera, as queen. Later, they had to fight the Giants, the children of Gaea and Tartarus, in the Giant War. The gods came down from Olympus and had children with mortals. What were these children called? Mr. Malfoy,"

"Demigods, Professor."

"And who were some the most famous of the demigods? Mr. Longbottom?"

"Perseus, Theseus, Heracles, Jason, and Orion." and then he mouthed 'and you'. I couldn't help but smile.

"Uh, Professor? I thought it was Hercules." a student called out.

"Well, in the Greek myths, he is called Heracles to appease Hera, because he was a demigod son of Zeus and not a son of Hera and Zeus. So, who can tell me about these demigods and what made them famous? Miss Lovegood,"

"Perseus was a son of Zeus, he killed Medusa. Theseus was a son of Poseidon, he killed the Minotaur of the Labyrinth. Heracles was a son of Zeus, like you said. He had to do twelve nearly impossible labors as punishment because Hera made him go insane and killed his family. Jason was a son of Zeus, he sailed the Sea of Monsters with other great heroes and found the Golden Fleece. Orion was a son of Poseidon, he was a great hunter and was one of the only males to ever join the Hunters of Artemis, he also has a constellation."

" Fantastic! Now, your homework is to write about the fourteen Olympians. I want what their domains are and symbols of power. If you can write it in Greek, then you'll get extra credit. If you write it in Ancient Greek then you get more extra credit. Class dismissed."

"Persea, why'd you make the homework soooo easy?" the demigods asked while all the other students were leaving.

"I didn't want to make to hard for the others who don't know it as well as you. But, if you want more of a challenge, then you can also put in their sacred animals and appearance."

They smiled and gathered their things and left.

I mostly did the same thing for all the classes since it was the first day. I made go from easy and basic information to hard and very detailed depending on the year.

~Harry POV~

Ugh, I have sooo much homework and it's just the first day! I mean, really, why do they assign homework on the first day of classes.

I sat down at a table in the Gryffindore common room with Hermione, Ron, and Neville. We all took out some parchment and a quill and started with our Ancient Runes homework. I knew Hermione would be writing hers in Ancient Greek but when I look over at Neville, I was kinda surprised to see him writing in Ancient Greek as well, but much faster than Hermione was writing. It was almost as if he knew Ancient Greek naturally and could speak it fluently.

I started writing:

Zeus is the king of the gods and is the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder. His symbol is the thunder bolt.

Poseidon is the god of  the sea, earthquakes,  storms, and horses. His symbol of power is the trident.

Hades is the god of the underworld, the dead, death. His symbol of power is his sceptre.

Hera is the queen of the gods and is goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, and family. Her symbol of power is the peacock feather.

Demeter is the goddess of agriculture and harvest. Her symbol of power is wheat.

Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and home. Her symbols of power are the hearth and its fire.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Her symbol of power is the dove.

Apollo is the god of music, poetry, medicine, art, archery, the sun, and prophesy. His symbols of power are the lyre, and laurel wreath.

Ares is the god of war. His symbol of power is the spear.

Artemis is the goddess of  archery, the hunt, wild, and the moon. Her symbol of power is the moon.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war. Her symbol of power is the olive tree.

Dionysus is the god of wine. His symbol of power is the grapevine.

Hephaestus is the god of  blacksmiths. His symbol of power is hammer.

Hermes is the god of trade, thieves, travelers. His symbol of power is the caduceus.

I set my quill down and sighed.

"That's all your writing? Man, that's like nothing." Neville said, looking at my paper. I looked over at his and he had four pages!

"How do you have four pages, Neville? I just finished with one in English and you wrote in Ancient Greek. How is that possible?" I asked.

"It just comes naturally to me. Also, you didn't write anything. You left out a bunch of stuff about the gods and Hades is not the god of death, Thanatos is. Well, I also got to write about their sacred animals and appearances, that's why I have so much more than you guys. It was super easy. Well, I'm tired, I'm going to bed." then Neville made his way up the stairs to our dormitory. 

"I'm also tired. Ron, how about you?" he nodded and we got up and went to bed.

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