I Have A Conversation With The Nico-Horses

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Hi! Please don't kill me! *dodges arrows* I am so so sorry that I haven't updated lately *dodges dagger* but here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

~Persea POV~
I woke up really early and decided to go for a walk.
I came to a clearing in the woods where there were those Nico-Horses.
"Hey, guys. You're called Thestrals, right?" I asked.
"Yes, Mi'Lady" one answered.
"Okay. And could you please call me Persea?"
"Of course, Persea." She responded.
Wow, that actually worked! It never works! I said to myself.
"Well, what are your names?"
"I'm Joyce" the one who had been speaking, answered, "and that's Holly, Merry, Joy, Jolly, Sunshine, Rainbow, Flower, Daisy, and Arthur."
Wow, was not expecting those names.
"Thank you, Joyce." I acknowledged as I checked my watch that Tyson made me after our first quest together. "I should get going. Bye, I'll talk to you later."
"Goodbye, Persea!"
I walked back to the castle and to my room. By then, everyone was awake.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to update soon but no promises, ok. Until next time my lovely readers.
Happy New Years!

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