week one DAY 1

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A/N swearing ahead also so much sarcasm.

Y/n had just been ripped out of bed and she really wasn't happy about it. "What the fuck do you think you are doing Mitch" she screamed at him. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty training starts now want you at the shooting range in ten minutes for every minute after that your late will be ten minutes earlier I will be waking you up tomorrow morning" Mitch says walking out the cabin. Y/n gets herself up off the floor moaning loudly before going over to one of her bags she hadn't unpacked yet. She pulls out a black vest top and Nike leggings before adding her white trainers into the pile. she quickly gets dressed pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail and runs out the room towards the shooting range. She finds Mitch already shooting y/n had to take a step back and appreciate how good looking he was she watched the way his muscles flexed as he was shooting. She wondered what it would be like to run her fingers along them. " What the fuck are you thinking" she thought to herself as she cleared her throat signaling she was there Mitch looked over at her and called her forward handing her the gun clicking a fresh magazine into it." Shoot the targets preferably in the chest" he says "I would prefer a bow i don't like guns" y/n replies. " I don't care what you prefer I said shoot the targets" Mitch demands. Y/n does as she is told shooting them all in the chest were the heart should be. "I thought you didn't like guns" Mitch says raising his eyebrow " I said I didn't like them not that I didn't know how to use one". Y/n places the gun back in Mitch's hand "what now Mr babysitter" she asks. " I'm not a babysitter but we are gonna practise on the one thing you are no good at the obstacle course" Mitch says signaling over to it. "And if I'm good can I have a juice box" y/n says rolling her eyes. "Are you always gonna be this sarcastic" he asks her. "I don't know are you always gonna ask dumb ass questions" she says. They both walk I. Silence to the obstacle course when they get there y/n gives Mitch a run for his money but he still gets to the other end before she does. After they both run a full lap of the forest and part ways for tea.
Mitch's pov
"The girl y/n you gave me to train. She is good at everything I throw at her so what is the real reason you want us together" he asks stan across the dinner table. " You are two of the best recruits we have seen in a very long time so together we thought that you would be unstoppable" Kennedy says over Stan." You both need to get used to each over we will be sending you on missions together the next six weeks are basically you two learning to trust each other. She is the female version of you Mitch you can trust her" Kennedy finished. Mitch gets up and goes to look for y/n he need to tell her that they were right about the reason they were put together.

Two updates I love leverage Elliot says the things about guns in one of the episodes thought it was quite fitting lol.
Gemma 🤗

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