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Mitch was looking for Stan he found victor laughing with his friends about what he did to Y/n. "Girls have no right being in a place like this what she gonna do flash her tits and hope for the best" victor laughed this statement caused mitch's blood to boil and he storms over to them. " Hey fuck face you know y/n had you beat twice. It doesn't make you big talking about her like that" Mitch shouts. " Oh I see what's going on here Mitch the lonely leaper has got himself a new toy" victor says smirking " she is not a fucking Toy and she certainly isn't mine" Mitch shouts " I wonder if she would Shag me to call a truce between us oh I bet shes good" victor says. Mitch tackles victor to the ground and they start throwing punches." WHAT the fuck is going on here" Stan shouts storming up to them with y/n in toe. Both men stand up looking at the ground. " Eyes front and centre both of you. You have ten seconds to explain what's going on Mitch" Stan says pointing at him. "Victor was being a sexist pig that's what going on" Mitch says still angry. " I was only saying how sexy y/n was and how much I would like to make her mine" victor chimes in. " Your a real peice of fucking work you know that" y/n says. " How about this the both of you can run laps around the camp until I say stop because you both have broke a major rule NEVER make it personal both of you go now and unless the rest of you want to join them I would go back to what ever holes you crawled out of y/n your with me let's go" Stan says walking towards the main building and into stans office. " Uncle Stan why am I here I hate it you know I can run laps around all these men yet you still chose for me to be here" y/n says " you know why your here,you was close to ghost when you was growing up he won't hurt you" Stan says rubbing his hand across his eyes. " Uncle Stan I was coming to this camp back then because none of my parents cared not because I cared about any of the men you were training yes I was close to him he was like a brother to me and now your asking me to kill him" y/n says letting a silent tear fall down her cheek. " I'm going Into town for a couple of hours do you want anything" she asks getting up and walking to the door. " Can you answer me a question y/n why don't you want the others to know that your my neice" he asks her. " I don't want any special treatment of them and you know they will let's not upset stans little neice" y/n mimic's and walks out. She heads to the outskirts of camp and catches A bus into town.

STANS POV third person

As Stan walks out of his office to go and tell Mitch and victor to stop he realised the way Mitch acted earlier and he needed to talk to him about it. He finally gets to the clearing finding Mitch running about 10 meters in front of victor " rapp get your fucking arse to my office now" Stan shouts storming back into the house followed my mitch. "You wanted to see me sir" Mitch says as he walks in. " Yes I did take a seat I have one question for you   why are you sticking up for y/n considering you was complaining about her when she got here" Stan asks. " Well I don't think anyone should be treated like dirt sir especially your neice" Mitch says " how did you know she was my neice Mitch did y/m tell you" Stan asks himself shocked. " No sir it's a matter of public record if you know where to look" he replied. " So if I'm getting this correct you knew just were to look did you" " I'm sorry but you know I like to know who I'm working with" Mitch interrupted.

Later that evening
Y/n had returned to camp wondering what she was gonna do going into town really didn't help she knew that she was starting to grow feelings that she swore she would never feel again. She felt hopeless towards everything she was doing. What if victor was right and she shouldn't be here. How is she going to kill someone that was like a brother to her. And one main question kept popping into her head what was she gonna do about Mitch rapp in her eyes she had two options she could let Mitch take the lead on everything or she could do it with out him but then there was a third option she could leave this place and never return. Y/n had just entered there shared cabin to find Mitch sitting on his bed as if he was waiting for her. " What did you go into town for" he asks her. " I wanted some time on my own away from this place but it didn't help because now I'm not only in pain with my ribs healing but I have a pounding headache from the amount of thinking I have been doing" she explains sitting across from him. "Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but been afraid of what they will say when you tell them" y/n finished leaning her elbows on her knees. " I know that your Stan's neice if that's what your in about I figured that out within two days of you being here" Mitch tells her. "Its not what I'm in about I knew the person that caused the destruction on the beach he was like a brother to me once when I was living with my father uncle Stan brought me here and that's when I met him we clicked almost straight away uncle Stan thought I was falling in love with him but it wasn't like that I loved him but only as a brother and then I met Dylan my life revolved around him causing me not to come back here very often I just wonder if things has been different if I had come back here more often and been the friend he needed" y/n says starting to cry. Mitch moves and sits next to her putting his arm around her shoulder pulling her in for a hug. " You can't think like that y/n he would have probably turned out the same not matter what you did different come on let's get so excited sleep we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Oh and by the way Stan wants to see you in his office at 0600 hours see you in the morning y/n" Mitch says getting back up. " Mitch" y/n calls "yeah" he says looking back at her. "Thank you" she says lying down to go to sleep she didn't even bother getting changed.

Long ass chapter sorry about all the language in this I was pretty pissed off myself.
18hrs until I go and watch American assassin can't wait
Thanks Gemma x

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