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Mitch was woke up in the early hours of the morning to the sound of someone crying he slowly sat up in bed looking over at y/n to see her crying into her blanket. "Hey are you ok" Mitch asks climbing out of bed and going over to sit next to her. " Yeah I'm fine everything is just starting to get on top of me I don't know how much more I can take" she says. Mitch pulls her into a small hug. Y/n had to admit the way his arms felt around her was amazing. She looks into his eyes trying to hold his gaze but she couldn't read them next thing she knows Mitch kisses her it was that quick she didn't get a chance to kiss him back before he pulled away. "I'm so sorry y/n I shouldn't have done that " Mitch says in abit of a panic.
Over the next couple of weeks Mitch and y/n become really close friends towards the end of week 5 y/n was worried she knew that there training was coming to an end and soon she would have to make the choice of where to work with him or not.
On the 34 day of her being there y/n was sat on her cot it was getting close to midnight and Mitch was gonna be back at any minute. True fear was starting to take over she knew that in less then two weeks time she would be expected to take down one of her oldest friends y/n started shaking what if she couldn't do it and all this training was for nothing Mitch would be so pissed at her. Suddenly the door swings open. Y/n tries to wipe her eyes with her sleeve to cover up the fact she was crying again. "Mitch do you ever think you will fall in love again " y/n asks him " that's a very personal question y/n but why do you think you will fall in love again" he asks turning the question back on her. " I doesn't matter I'm leaving tomorrow for England I'm going to live with my nan I have dicided that this life isn't for me and I can't be round you any longer" she says getting up and going to the door. "Okay that was complete 360 I thought we were becoming friends" Mitch says as she walks out the door

Finally seen American assassin omg it's amazing so I dicided to start developing y/n and Mitch's relationship
Gemma x

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