Chapter 2: Chemistry

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Cole seemed to know that something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you today my queen?" He asked lovingly.

"Nothing." I said looking down. He stops and tilts my chin up, and then grabs my other hand.

"I know something is wrong, just tell me." He said in a sweet voice.

"Well I fell asleep in Ms. Angela's class, I had a terrible dream about my mother and father." I stated to choke up, I felt the tears start to fall. He brings me in for a hug.

"It's okay, it's okay." He wishpers into my ear. He holds me in the hug for at least 5 minutes, while I cried on his shoulder. I pull out of the hug. He wipes away my tears.

"I sure do love you Cole Turman." I said starting to smile a bit.

"I love you to, my queen." He says while smirking. He bends down and kisses me, and I kiss him back. We slowly pull away.

"Thanks, for that." I said smiling even more.

"Anything to make you smile." He says sweetly.

"We should probably get to class."

"Okay." He reluctantly says. He grabs my hand and we walk to class. We quietly slipped into the room. We spotted two seats in the back. We quickly but quietly went and sat down.

"Phew, luckily she is takes role at the end of class." Cole said while laughing quietly. I laughed to. He grabbed my hand as we took out our books for class.

Hello! I know that not a lot of people read this but I really like it so if you are new please no hate. I want to stay positive, and that should go for every book you read, even if you don't like just stop reading and keep your comment to yourself. Thanks and have a lovely night!

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