Chapter 6: The Attic

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Me and Jess were packing up the house. It has been two weeks since the crash. I haven't gone to school and have cried everyday. Jess has been a mess aswell her heart is broken into a million pieces, she only has me left.

Cole comes and visits me everyday and I don't know what I would do without him. When he hugs me I feel like part of my sadness is lifted off my shoulders. But eventually he leaves and I am left back into reality and all that sadness comes back.

Lately we have been talking to a lot of lawyers about our living situation. Since we have no family we would have to go into foster care. Luckily Jess is 18 a legal adult now so she can let me live with her. In our parents will it also says that I should be left with Jess, so that's what we are going to do.

"Grace can you come help me in the attic." I hear Jess yell.

"Ya!" I yell back as I made my way up the stairs, down the hall, and up the rickety old wooden stairs into the attic.

"Can you look inside those boxes over there and decided what we want to keep?" Jess asked as she pointed to the far corner in the attic.

"Uuumm. Sure." I said and walked over there. I crouched down and sat down looking at the labels.

Home movies, family history, Graces elementary school work, but my eyes found one box titled "Derrick, First Marriage". Okay, weird my mom said she had nothing left of my dad.

I opened the box and found a bunch of pictures and videos. I sifted through them all till I found a folder full of papers. I grabbed it out of curiosity. Most of them were old pictures, notes, and losely written notes.

But as I was getting closer to the end a smaller folder was stuffed inside. I glaced at the tiltle, "Divorce Papers". What?!? I quickly scrabble through the papers inside and in fact I found divorce papers along with custody papers for me, to my mother.

My mother had lied to me! My father probably never died, he might still be alive. But I kept looking. The last paper wasn't a paper at all it was a letter with my name on it, and on the back it said; "Only read if I have died. (Mom)".

What in the world was wrong with her! She lied about my dad. Who knows what else she has lied about.

"Jess, come over here." I said a bit shaken up.

"Ya, sure are you okay." She said as she walked over here. I simply held up the folder and the letter.

"Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. I can't believe she did that. I wonder why?" Jess replied a bit surprised and angry.

"Let's find out." I said while flapping the letter. I wonder what her lame excuse will be this time?

Hope you likedthis chapter! Thanks for reading! It means so much to me! What did you think? Please let me know.

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