MATT S. [3]

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I could only silently drink the water to refresh my lungs—it helped me breathe easier without coughing that started to annoy me. I didn't usually have asthma attacks unless I was stressed or scared to the point I start hyperventilating. I really pissed him off this time. My eyes were locked on the water bottle and the opened bag of frosted animal crackers.

It's not like I told my mother anything, I only wanted to keep her from worrying so much. I wanted to tell her I was fine, but it ended up doing the exact opposite; I couldn't fight against the temptation. I didn't think Neil would get so angry, I thought I was going to get another asthma attack from the way his honey brown eyes glared so fiercely at me.

My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid it might jump right out of my chest. He was scary as hell when he's angry; the silence pressured me, and I was too much of a coward to bring myself to look at him.

"What did you tell her?" I flinched, nearly jumped out of my skin when he spoke—cold and toneless. I swallowed hard, "N-Nothing." I ended up squeaking, slouching more onto the seat gripping onto the bottle and snack on my lap. I was anxious, nervous because I didn't know what he was going to do or what was going to happen next.

I very much wanted to be alive.

He snickered humourlessly, "You wouldn't call her and just tell her 'nothing'. I bet you said all kinds of things while I was gone, hm? Go on, tell me what you told her. It's not like it's going to change anything."

It didn't take long before that familiar agitation started kicking in, "Stop being such an ass. I'm not lying, I didn't tell her anything I only wanted her to know that I was fine." I snapped.

He hummed in a mocking manner, "Oh, really? Not only did you let her know that you're fine, except the fucking Mafia will know that you are with me the second they find out we were seen at a gas station. Great job, Matt. Should I give you another rule or are you going to break that one too?" He said in a sarcastic tone only adding to my agitation but at the same time, I was worried he was right. Would the Mafia really know? How dangerous are these Mafias?

"Shut up, I'm not a dog."

"You might as well be," Neil retorted glancing at me, "Because that means I'll have to train you."

I wanted to hit him oh so badly; punch him on the face or kick his damn crotch for being a prick. I bit my tongue gazing at the window; nothing I said was going to make things better. All I could see were trees as we passed by, it was calming yet a bit uncomfortable because it reminded me how bad things happen in a dark forest in the movies.

"Are you breathing better?" He asked subtly without the cold tone this time; I shifted, "Yeah...Thank you." I said under my breath remembering my ear against his broad chest listening to his heartbeat. It was beating hard yet steady and when I looked up at him, suddenly realized how handsome he looked—probably even hot. Heat rushed to my face pushing those weird thoughts out of my head; our faces were so close.

Neil didn't say anything else as he drove, and I took the opportunity to sleep. Maybe when I woke up this was all simply a bad dream—a very bad, horrifying dream that happened to have a hot guy in it.

"Matt, wake up. We're here." I was pulled from the deep slumber, my brain scrambling to understand where I was for a moment. My eyes opened, staring into a pair of honey brown eyes that suddenly stole the air in my lungs. I quickly noticed I was still here...with Neil...kidnapped...and handcuffed.

I groaned, "No." It came out more as a whine, closing my eyes as an attempt to shut everything out and imagine myself at home playing video games or hanging out with Brian and Chrisander. "You can try as hard as you like but this isn't going away simply because you closed your eyes. Now get your little ass out of the car." I opened my eyes again glaring with all the hate and anger within me; he simply took it with a sneer.

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