Escape Plan

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i walked out of the cave and tried to figure out where i was, I was , I was , i sighed , I was lost. my best bet was to walk to the edge and figure it out from there , I walked back into the cave and filled the canteen that had been left on the floor and filled it with water from the waterfall then I began my decent down the mountain . They day went on and so did I as the hot sun was beating down on me i made sure to keep hydrated , i lifted the canteen to my lips and caught a glimps of something moving . I turned around , curious and scared . was it the person who saved me or something else . All i could see were glowing eyes as it came toward me , just a little bit too late i realised what it was . The shadow , my legs were ahead of my brain and were already running , i didnt look back , whatever the shadow wanted it wasnt good . i darted through the tree's and continued to run , i needed to look back , just once , to see if he, it was following me . Just for a split second i turned around , and all it took was a split second of me not paying attention to run into something . I fell to the ground and became dizzy . when the black had gone from my vision i looked up to see a tall muscular boy looking down on me . " Raven he shouts and begins to help me up "
" Felix " i sigh in relief and wrap my arms around him in a much needed hug. " where have you been ?! " Felix says practically yelling. How do you explain the fact that you died to someone ? Then i remembered its Neverland and magic is used all the time to do things much weirder then bring someone back to life. " i died " i answered honestly , Felix looked confused for a moment before he realised what i had said " Raven what do you mean you died ? " His eyes clearing into mine . He acted calmly but his eyes were dancing with fear, curiosity
" When Pan took me away from camp he tried to tell me that Hook is evil and that he was saving me by keeping me here on the island , i walked away i didnt want to hear the awful things he was saying about my da- . Hook . i thought how my life had changed since coming here and how the war between lost boys and pirates was going to get worse who ever i was with , and i didnt want to be the cause of anyone's death but mine.... so i picked my nightlock , made it cut into my hand " I looked up at Felix and he looked stunned , i emideatly felt bad and went inward on myself. " If you used Nightlock , how are you standing infront of me alive ? " i Guess it wasnt normal on Neverland to have people brought back from the dead. " I . um . I dont know I woke up next to a waterfall in a cave No one was there . " The blood from Felix's face left and he went ghostly pale . "The waterfall on the hill ? " Felix asked his voice was nervouse and it was making me worried " yes , Felix why does that matter whats wrong ? " He looked down at the ground " you cant leave" he mumbled , " Felix , what do you mean ? " . He looked down at my worried face and wrapped his arms around me " it means you cant leave the island " he said resting his chin on my head , " that waterfall , is magic , it can cure any wound or illness , but it comes with a price , you can Never leave Neverland . " My heart sunk at what Felix had told me , any chance of going back and having a normal life was now gone forever. " would i still be able to go to the ship ? " i asked , i wanted to be able to see my Dad . Felix looked confused once more before responding " yea i should think so , why ? " . I didnt answer his question , i jst replied with another " does Pan know where i am ? "
" no he said you ran off into the forest after he spoke to you "
" good , good " i mubled to myself " would you mind telling me whats going on ? " Felix asked completely oblivious to what i had in mind .
" i am going to go to Hooks ship " i told Felix . " what your crazy "
" Felix , this is the perfect oppotunity ! , Pan clearly dosnt care where i am at the moment, i could be any where on the island , he wont think about Hook , " i looked up at him with sympathetic eyes " please Felix , this is my chance to escape " He relaxed after he realised i was right , " Okay , but what happens when Pan asks about you ? "
" i am sure he'll figure it out soon enough , besides this battle isnt going to end ,no matter who i am with , someone's going to be upset"
Felix wrapped his arm around me and we began making out way to the shore.
we made our way through the thick forest , Felix was telling me about Neverland before i came , and how he arrived here . He had lived in the world decaides before me , He had a family and a little sister he adored , she would often get into mischief without meaning to , Felix said she had the power to make everyone smile .
We continued our journey to the shore talking about our lives before Neverland . Felix came here because he had no where else to go . His family were poor and couldn't afford to feed everyone . So they have him a choice either to leave the family or work to help but food on the table , Felix did his best to find work and provide , despite his efforts to his mother they were never good enough . Felix would never let his little sister see but his mother used to frequently hit him and pull a knife on him. That's actually how he got the scar across his face . Felix tried his best to stay with his sister no matter what their mother did . Then one day after Felix had finished a day of work he came home to find his mother and Sister gone with all there belongings and the money Felix earned . No warning or note to tell him they just left . After that Felix had to steal for food as all the money he earned was going toward trying to keep the house and rent the rooms . Everyone who was once his friend turned on him , beat him up and took no sympathy . He knew he couldn't stay . He packed the few belonging he had and journeyed to another kingdom on his travels he became lost and vulnerable to the creature if the woods and criminals , then the shadow found him and brought him to Neverland . I felt sympathetic towards Felix but I could tell it was too late , he didn't want anyone looking at him like that now , he had grown become strong and didn't need anyone . I then told Felix about my mother and social services and how I felt lost , not knowing what my life would become now , who I would become if I was adopted and how the accident kept playing over and over in my mind . And that what ever was going in around me I had no control of .
Felix consoled me and I tried to console him . We arrived at the shore . We both looked at each other wishing it didn't have to be goodbye .
" Maybe it doesn't " I said having a sudden thought ." What do you mean ? . You can't stay here and I can't go with you ." Felix asked
" I can come back . On the island , the crew of the Jolly Roger must get their food from somewhere , ill volunteer to come on this island and pick berries , we can meet up secretly " after I finished I scanned Felix's face looking for an answer . " we'd have to be careful , " he started , a smile began to spread across his face " but seeing you a little is better then not seeing you at all " .I smiled at Felix's answer and wrapped my arms around him . This could really work I thought to myself . We said our goodbye's once more then Felix helped me push the row boat out into the sea and I made my way back to the Jolly Roger

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