Taking a risk

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Okay so this chapter started of okay got better then when rubbish again

Ravens POV
I refuse to sit here bruised and injured , despite my injuries I am not going to let them dictate me even for a moment longer. I had fallen asleep as soon as i reached my cabbin and had woken up aroun an hour ago . I looked doen at my body to see black and blue bruises scattered around my body . huge ones over my torso and dozens on my arms as well as deep cuts running from my elbow to my wrist from where the shadow tried to keep ahold of me ,
One foot infront of the other that's my stratage it may seem stupid but its working . Left right left right . My body felt stiff and ached , I opened the door to my cabin and saw Hook standing there his hand stretched out for the handle . " Raven love - mr Smee and I believe- we've come up with a plan to get rid of Pan - but it involves you" Hook looked at me with concerned eyes . He brought me back to my bed and began to unravel his plan to me
After he finished I looked over and saw him staring at me intently . " you want me to go back " I squeaked out in disbelief My voice breaking half way through . I was on this ship thinking that we were free of Pan - for now ,and that we would at least try to be a family, a disfunctional family but a family . " love " Hook spoke. The way he spoke felt like nightshade entering my system over and over eventhough they were meant to be like silk a way to comfort me and wrap me in the soft embrace as a way of protecting me what he was asking me to do was potentially give up my life and what I think upset me most is that Hook knew this , he'd spent his life here and no one has left without Pan's permission , I barley got onto the ship and now he wants me to go back . " you don't have to do this " Hook continued I could see what I think is concern in his eyes but I also think that there is something else there hiding behind the gleam in his eyes something dark.
I pushed myself up from the bed and held onto the head board steading myself . Each movement causing a painful ache to course through my body. From my organs to the cells that made them . I shut my eyes tightly for a moment whilst clinging into the bed waiting for the black dots that appeared in my vision to vanish . Once they had gone I shakily made my way passed Hook and through the door not saying a word as I did so. I stumbled through the door out into the open deck where the salty mist of the sea washed over my face giving me small relief . I made my way over to the edge of the boat and tucked my arms together and leaned on them as they lent of the side of the ship . I looked out onto the horizon and the waves that followed it ,dreaming of all the possibilities that would come across the world only once and all the 'What If's ?' that have taken place only to be taunting the person that thinks it . My thoughts were interrupted my Mr Smee as he came up beside me . He was a small man with a podgey figure and a red hat he was very fond of . " you look life someone who's about to get lost in a labyrinth of their own thought " Mr Smee's words were always cincear unlike Hook who I doubt anyone truly knew . No .Mr Smee was a man of content a man you could rely on to be there . " Hook wants me to go back " I finally spoke after feeling the silence in the air take over . " ohh I see " Mr Smee muttered in return " well . Are you going to - go back that is ? " he asked .
" I don't know " I replied honestly . I understood why he wanted me to go back but I didn't know if I was ready . " well you know dearie , Hook cares about you an awful lot , he cares about all of us despite the hard front he tries to uphold , and I am sure that what ever his intended plans are he's got a way of making sure everything goes according to plan - besides this plan may make staying her bearable lord knows the crew and I would love to be able to run along the island without having arrows shot at us and knifes against our throats " Mr Smee turned to face me and I looked down at him . He held both my hands in his giving me one last piece of advise " it's your choice dearie . " With that he walked away getting back to his duties and left me as he found me . With a thousand things running through my mid each second . Mr Smee was right I had had become lost in a labyrinth of my own thoughts .
I collected the scatter pieces of my thoughts and put them away as I left the labyrinth . I've made my choice . I walked away from the ships edge ad back into my room . Where Hook waited . His head hung low and his hand was rubbing his face whilst his eyes reviled a assortment if emotions . I sat infront if him and only then did he realise I had entered the room again . He looked at me with expecting eyes before speaking " what's your decision love ?" I took a deep breath and remembered all that Pan had done . " I'll do it " Hook looked surprised but quickly took that away and placed his arm around my shoulders . " Now love what we require from you is no small task and one I am sure you will be able to handle - but we have to make it believable - therefore we must - take some requirements " he looked at me through his eyebrows before continuing " Pan has to beliefs that he was right about me and that you believe that too , you've already got cuts and bruises from the shadow that you can say I was the cause of but that's not enough , you need to be malnourished" I understood what he was saying . He was saying for the next few days I wasn't aloud to eat . I made my choice and if this is what I have to do - then so be it .

Over the next few days i watched as everyone else stuck into the food that was infront of them , the only thing i was aloud was water. I did as much exercise as possible on the ship to make myself thinner and slowly I began to see my bones appear through my flesh, my skin had become pale my hair had thinned and my lips were dry and cracked. I looked up from the now empty glass of water in my hand and saw Mr Smee glancing at me with pittifull eyes . He hadnt touched a single thing on his plate , I then looked over at Hook who was sitting at the head of the table chugging down his rum whilst filling his face with the delicious assortment of foods laid out infront of us . I ran my tongue alond the bottom of my cracked lips just as my stomach growled yearning for any kind of food . I took myself away from the tabel it was cruel what i was doing to myself but what Pan was doing was beyond cruel . I needed a distraction from my rumbaling stomach. I decided to run around the deck as much as I could , it was a win , win . It distracted me from the pain radiating in my abdomen and helped witht the process. A warm hand grabbed hold of my shoulder , I tensed at the touch and turned around to see Hook standing infront of me . " Are you ready love?" I left out a breath i didnt know i was holding in and nodded . I was fearfull of going back but I think i was more steadfast about what I needed to do. Hook handed me the dagger he gave me a few days ago before we first went onto the island. I admired the handywork of it before being engulfed in a bone crushing hug by none other than Hook himself . " Be careful " he said into my shoulder . I hugged him back as much as I could muster before we broke away from the embrace . Out from behind him scurried Mr Smee , he too wrapped his arms around me in a loving hug . "we'll miss you - you be safe now , ya' here" His voice breaking at the last part . I walked to the edge of the ship and climbed the side . All i had was the clothes on my back and the dager . I took a deep breath and dived into the choppy waters below. I struggled against the tide and i swam to the shore my lungs burning and my clothes dragging my down from the water that soaked in them . Relief washed over me just like the waves as i felt the sand beneath my feet .Here's where it begins.

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