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Ravens POV
The light shifted to dark and the sun was replaced by the moon, i had to get out , knowing Hook he'd come into Pan's camp with the crew guns blazing , not thinking through Pans power or malificence and end up getting himself killed.... i couldnt let that happen , he's the only family ive got . He's not like a normal Dad in the sence that instead of teaching me to ride a bike he taught me to sword fight but now i know i have a dad that cares for me , and thats all i want .
pulling my hand free from the rope's binding them i managed to slide my hand into my corset where i hid a knife, checking to see if anyone was around i cut through the ropes tying me to the tree, i knew i couldnt risk having pan or any of the lost boys see me, i grabbed hold of one of the loose ropes , holding both ends i wraped the rope around the tree and climbed untill i was able to use the branches, i climbed to the top of the tree. Looking from the canopy i could see the island in all its evil , mermaid lagoon, the echo caves , skull rock and Dead mans cave , the first and last place i visited on the island before i was captured/rescued by hook.
Leaping from one tree to another , i watched as the lost boys danced around the fire beneath me , how could they enjoy themselves on this island , with Pan ruling over them , he's a dictator , a devil a deamon. every fiber in his body is filled with evil and dark magic . leaving the lost boys to there stupid games and cautipusly continued to make my way jumping from tree to tree in an attempt to escape back to the ship . at least there i knew where i stoood. looking back toward the tree i had just jumped from i saw the lost boys were no longer dancing round the fire , they stood still as one rushed in panicked, i was too fair away to hear there convosation completely but i managed to get the gist of whats happening . They've realised ive escaped and because of this thery've gone into panic mode , but none of them are going to tell Pan otherwise he'll come after them one by one and make them wish it was was the shadow that took them . I climbed down slightly to a thicker branche and sat there and waited for the night to turn to day , I woke to the sound of pine cones hitting the tree , I looked around to see where they had been coming from , surrounding the bottom of the tree stood the lost boys frantically trying to think of ways to get me down , when none of the succeeded in getting a pinecone to come close to me , I felt safe and begun taunting them by throwing the pine comes back at them.
whilst finally finding a slight bit of fun on this god forsaken island I hadn't heard Felix creep up behind me . He placed one hand over my mouth and the other across my shoulders , I struggled against him but the more I tried to fight the more he tightened his grip on me . "Shhh " he whispered " it's me Felix , I am not going to hurt you" I began to relax as he spoke " I am going to let you go , but you have to promise not to scream or run away . Ok? " I nodded my head , and he began to slowly move his hands away .
I turned around to look at Felix , he still looked the same as the first night I came to Neverland , his scruffy dirty blond hair partially covering the scar across his face , lanky figure and a incredible jaw line . " what are you doing " I whispered "helping you "he replied " if you stay here the other Lost Boys will only draw Pan's attention then he'll know you escaped and treat you worse"

" how do I know you won't give me to Pan directly " I asked
" you don't " he replied " you're just going to have to trust me " he said holding out his hand

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