Between two versions of Hell

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The familiar smell of salt and pine filled me as I trudged along behind Pan in the thick forest of Neverland . Out conversation kept replaying in my mind .Dark magic ? Why would Pan want to teach me dark Magic . There was no possible way of me figuring out what Pan had planned . His mind was filled with all the deranged throughts of the world manipulating minds and cunning torture . Sadistic ideas running through his mind a place where even the devil would appear to be a saint . Pan is malice and corrupt feeding off other people suffering . He could have a thousand reasons as to why he wanted me to learn dark magic but he would never tell .
Black began to consume my vision as if smoke was filling a room . Intoxicating me filling my throat and lungs causing them to burn as a fire raged inside of them, my stomach felt as if there was an deep open wound on that had aloud tthe elements to torment me further . " Pan " my throat was dry and sore from extensive amount of salt water that had found its way proceeding down my oesophagus .Overall my body was battling against itself in a fight for dominance leaving every cell of my being aching and under emense pressure. The cause of the sudden disturbance in my body could have been caused by a variety of things that i had taken upon me over the past week but combined all together meant that the effects were sudden and I felt myself plunging toward the decaying foliage of leaves and twigs . As gravity became stronger .

i heard my name being called ever so softly as the wind carried it to my ears . I turned around to see Raven clutching her stomach all blood drained from her face as her legs began to crumble beneath her causing her to plummet to the ground . I found myself at her side checking to see if she was alive and that the brute Hook hadn't taken everything from her .
I pushed the hair that was covering her face out of the way and placed two fingers against her neck ... Her pulse was still there meaning she was alive . I placed my arms under her and lifted her up . She moved closer to me her face against my chest groaning in pain. The camp wasn't far and Raven wasn't heavy . In my arms she was weightless I could feel her skin stretching over the prominent bones in her body . I looked down at her fragile face longing to see the old Raven return - But not until she has served her purpose.
We had reached the edge of camp and Raven began to stir . I sat her down on a fallen tree just as her eyes began to flutter open .
" stay here " I commanded as she opened her tired eyes and looked into mine. . I walked ahead directly to Felix . " Ravens back . Tie her up ". I said with no emotion .
" wait do you really think there's need for that " The words rushing out of Felix's mouth .
" if she has come back from Hook's ship on her own will then why would she try to escape "
what Felix said was true she wouldn't want to escape but that's not why I am tying her up . It's too make her feel unloved , alone , weak . Lost. only once she's broken can she be ready to learn dark magic . I want her to feel as if she is trapped between two versions of Hell , with no alternative .
Felix's POV
Pan came back to camp his eyes darting through the camp . His eyes found me and he marched over to me " Ravens back Tie her up " .
Ravens back ! The last time I saw her was as she left in the row boat toward Hook ship with a smile on her face , if she's back I can't imagine the feeling of devastation that is baring on her chest. She had a chance to be away from Pan , not even two months later he's dragged her back to torment , purgatory, a place with everlasting anguish and agony. I listen to Pan as he gave orders to break Raven . My stomach was twisting and turning , regret had found its way into my system and was stopping me from being able to breath . Managing a single breath became a great difficult labour . I walked out from the bushes and saw Raven sitting on a fallen tree . She looked so different now. She had the same deprived and malnourished look my sister had when we were struggling, my heart broke at the thought of what caused Raven to become like this . " Raven " her eyes widened when they met mine but she turned away immediately . I brought the rope from behind her back and crouched down in front of her " Pans orders , Ill get you out of here . I promise " I said whilst tying the rope round her wrists . I noticed the cuts and bruises that ran up and down her arms . Subconsciously I began to run my fingers along each one when Raven jerked her arms away . "I came back here because I wanted to ! " she spat at me , her words harsh . I couldn't believe what she was saying was true , she had wanted to leave so desperately why would she return . I finished bonding her hads and helped her up. But she turned away from my touch . I grabbed hold of her shoulders not letting go . She winced at my hands on her . " Raven please ! " I pleeded with her , trying to get her to open up to me like she did when we first met . But she stayed quiet . I sighed and lead her through the camp and to the post she would be tied onto for the next few days . The lost boys glared at her whilst she kept her head down . Something wasnt right about Raven.

Felix went to tie Raven up like I had commanded . He came back with a stern expression on his face and his fists clenched. Something must have happened between them . I walked over to Raven to make sure Felix had followed orders and tied her up . She was slumped against the wooden pole hands bound and tied up . Her breathing was heavy and her head hung low . The leaves crunched under my feet and Ravens head swung up , fear was presant in her tired eyes , but it vanished when she realised it was me . It took me by surprise . No one has ever been relieved to see me. "Pan" her voice broke as a smile tried to appear on her face, but failed . I stood tall and took large strides over to her looking down on her weak body harshly . " Pan " she whispered " wh- why am I tied up ? " I raised my arm and brought my hand to the side of her face causing her body to jerk against the pole . " you still needed to be punished for leaving without permission " I spat out my words watching as she cowered before me . " You will pay for your actions and if you decide to dissobey again this " i said gesturing to her current situation " will appear to be a sparkaling dream in comparrason " She nodded slightly a few tears ran down her cheek and soaked into the earth below . A crimsion hand appeared on her cheeks . She looked up at me with sorrow filled eyes , whilst i stood there with a menacing smirk across my lips .The hope that once resided inside her was vanishing , fear and regrett replaced it , darkerning her outlook on the world around her . I turned away leaving her tied up on her knees open to the elements.

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