Return To The Beast

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I ran ,ran through the thick woods of the Neverland forest , my eyes scanned through every inch of the surrounding foleage . I continuiously rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands to make them appear read and puffy. I knew that to pull this off i would have to cry - and to be able to do that I would have to go to a dark place in my mind , a sad memory . and I had the perfect one chosen . I began to think about my Mother and the last moments we spent together. They wernt perfect , but I think thats what I liked about it so much . We had gone shopping and just recieved our Costa's I had gotten a gingerbread hotchocolate and mum had gotten a moca with only one shot of coffee. As always I managed to spill it over my clothes . Mum gave me a slight scoulding , like any parent would , we soon got over it with smiles of our faces as we began our last journey home. That we would never reach . I ended up on a journey to neverland and my mum ended up on a Journey to heaven . And with that thought the tears began to fall , each one containing a part of me that was urning to be released .
Despite my deturmination to continue , the state i was in ment that my muscles had fatigued much quicker then they used to . My stomach ached and made un reconiseable noises from the lack of food over the past week . How I longed just for a minascule taste of some kind of substance that would allow my taste buds to experience sweet or savoury just for a moment . My mind began to wonder to all the declicious foods I had tasted over my my many years of being on this Earth but the one thing I craved most was a Gingerbred hot chocolate that welcomed me with its warmth and combination of two delectible taste's.
My mind had wondered to far and I had now come into contact with what felt like a brick wall . I was seized back into reality as I expected to come into contact with the gritty earth that supported the feet that made me stand tall but instead found myself gazing into the verdant eyes of tge devious and deceptive PAN.


" be quiet ! " I yelled to the boys . We were out hunting and had caught nothing because of how loud they were being . The boys were still talking but they had quietened down , might be something to do with the poisonous snakes I just sent slithering towards them . I smirked to myself the fear I generated made me feel powerful , untouchable just as it should be . I turned to see the horror on their faces as the snakes began to climb up their body's hissing , tasting the air around them and the body's they could devour. Finally the forest was quite all I could hear now was the wind rustling the leaves on the trees as they shook . Rays of sunlight shone through the gaps in the canopy and allowed light to fill the space around us. The trees stood tall as they wound together making the density vary through out . A snap of twigs caught my attention . I pulled the dagger from my belt in preparation and slowly began making my way toward the sound being careful not to step on anything that would allow the animal to know my location .

I laid each foot onto the decaying foliage beneath me . The trees were thick and provided me with good coverage rom the best that concealed itself from me . However the thriving forest around me instructed my view and suddenly a body was colliding with me knocking me to the floor . I pushed te beast off me and took the dagger from my belt and held it against its neck . Only to realise that the beast that had tackled me to the floor was infact a trembling girl , who's face I knew . " Raven " I ment to say as a statement but it came out as a question . The trembling girl stood up and quivered . The fact was I did not know the girl that stood In front of me the Raven I knew was full if energy , feisty full of life , her skin was slightly tanned because of the gorgeous sun shining on her as she spent her days out side but the girl I saw before me was pale as fresh snow almost opaque like ice . Soon to disappear and travel into the next world . Her eyes became wide as she realised who she had ran into . She scrambled off me and stood there inverted on herself as I got up and composed myself . Without warning she had me in a tight grip her small arms wrapped around me like chains . " You were right- you were right about Hook Pan - I am sorry " she sobbed into my chest . A small smile crept onto myself as she now knew I was right , being right and naking everyone else feel as if I am superior made me feel like a king but there are no kings in Neverland , just me .I stood there stiff my arms down by my side . She looked up at me her eyes now red and puffy from crying and looked down apon her with an iron gaze . She quickly release me from her grip and once again stood inverted on herself..
" I warned you about Hook " I spoke my voice calm hinted with evil . " and now you expect me to welcome you back " I began to walk around Raven as she stood there quietly nodding every so often . " we'll I know you can't leave as your drank from the fountain - but then again that won't stop me from sending you away to die ." I paused and looked over towards her her eyes had widened slightly and her mouth hung open
"But I suppose that's letting you off lightly . That way you would be able to escape from both Hook and I " as I circled Raven I watched as she flinched at my voice , Like I said before this girl was fragile and would break easily - and now she has . But I keep my promises .when she first came to Neverland I promised I would leave an emotion scar on her as they cut much deeper than any physical scar on the surface . I plan to build her back up again before taking a wreaking ball to her and everything around her ." Instead , I have a proposition for you , " I walked over to Raven and placed a hand on her shoulder as she cowered at my touch . " stay with me and I'll teach you dark magic "

I am back . Well for now any way . I am sorry I haven't updated in ages . Did you notice ? Are you happy I am back ? Or don't you care? . What did you think of this chapter . Please vote and comment your opinions and tell me what you think .

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