Chapter Eighteen

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Candace Miller

"Really, Mrs. A?!" I hissed under my breath as I unwrapped the pink plastic from my 'lady product' in the bathroom. Yeah, it was that time of the month again. If Madison or someone came in the bathroom, there was no mistaking the inconspicous vibrant pink packages.

  "Candace!" Jason shouted from the other side of the bathroom door.


  "What are you doing?"

 "Oh, yanno, what everyone else does in the bathroom. I'm freaking skydiving."

  "Cool, can I join?" Wh...what? Jason never flirted with me.

 "I will roundhouse kick you through the wall, Smith." I said. He chuckled. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

  Jase was grinning at me when I opened the door.

 "What do you want?" I smiled teasingly.

 "Your hand in marriage." He got on one knee and took my hand, never cracking a smile.

 "Whoa dere, what's going on?" Mikey said, pausing in the door frame. "Madison! Tell Jason he isn't allowed to propose to anyone in your house!"

  "I knew he was gay!" Madison shouted up the stairs. Jason scoffed.

 "Not to me!" Mikey facepalmed. "To Candace!" 

  Madison came flying into the room. "No one can propose to her in my house, or anywhere else, ever."

 "Now I wouldn't take it that far. Unless that only applies to No Bonez." Mikey grinned at me.  

   "It applies to everyone, Fusco." Madison got an intimidating look on his face and got real close to Mikey, towering over him. Then Mad laughed.

  "Hell no. Only attractive people can propose to me. Looks like Nick is out of luck. Mikey, however..." I smiled and winked at him, sliding past them and out the door.

  "Language!" Mad chided, then laughed at my joke.

  "Was that a yes?" Jason yelled after me.

 "Wait! I thought we were already married!" Madison called. I laughed, remembering.

  "I want a divorce!" I laughed over my shoulder.

 "So you're free Friday night?" Vinny winked, meeting me at the end of the stairs.

   "I believe I heard my name mentioned under the topic of marriage. Sorry, Vincent." Nick laughed, playing MW3.

  I swear, if I was left alone with these boys for much longer, I'd be going to jail for murder. Mrs. Alamia had picked up more shifts at work and we hardly saw her anymore. But we knew she just did it so we could have the house to ourselves.

  "I heard it under the list of unattractive people that can't propose to her, Nick.'' Thomas said.

 "Ha! So. About Friday-" Vinny started.

  "No making dates with her either!" Madison shouted, sliding down the staircase hand rail.

 "Or calling her sexy!" Nick added. "I got kicked out of the house for it!"

  Louis kissed my cheek.

 "No! None of that either, Lou!" Madison said. Mikey leaned forward and kissed me on the lips shortly.

  It was tender and sweet, and so Mikey. Only the two of us were aware of all the feelings behind the kiss.

 "HEY! Certainly none of that!" Mad and a few of the other boys yelled. As you can tell, I was being flirted with a lot lately.

  Nick had paused his video game and taken my hand, twirling me in a circle and dancing with me.


  "Come on, Mad Boy, I know you'd never ban dancing with her from the house." Nick taunted, spinning me again. Madison bit his lip. They had finally found a loop-hole.

  "Damn it." Madison said, smiling.

  "Language!" I did a bad imitation of his voice, causing them all to laugh at me.

    Nick twirled me one more time, sending me in the direction of the stereo. I plugged in my iPhone and started playing I'm Not Over by Carolina Liar. The boys groaned, hating my taste in music.

  "Give it a chance!" I pleaded as Vinny fought me for the stereo access. "I'm not over! I'm not over you just yet! Cannot hide it! You're not easy to forget! I'm not over!" I sang along to it. Vinny, of course, won and changed it to hip hop songs.

  "I'm not over you just yet," He hummed in my ear before he pulled away. And just like that, I felt like utter crap.

  I was one of the only people who had heard Vinny actually sing. He was AMAZING at it, too.

 "You're actually really good at singing," Jason complimented me.

 "Aw, thanks." I blushed.

  "You should do a cover of a song."

"Uh, no. I'm like terrified singing around people I don't know."

  "Do it with Mikey or Nick or both. Like Madison could be doing the music and then Mikey could rap or something."

  "That's not a bad idea." I considered, smiling at him.

 "Can you sing that song again?" He asked. We were luckily alone in the kitchen, because I don't think I could have done it on the spot with all the guys watching me. With Mikey watching...

   "What a waste of time

The thought crossed my mind

Can't explain this thing, or what I mean

I'm trying to let it go

"And I'm not over

I'm not over you just yet

Cannot hide it

You're not that easy to forget

I'm not over

I'm not over you just yet

Cannot hide it

You're not that easy to forget

I'm not over, I'm not over." I stuck with the last two verses of the song.

  Jason's jaw literally dropped.

"I think I love you." Madison said from the entrance behind me. How long were they there listening? All of them? Obviously long enough to hear me. My cheeks started burning.

  "So, yeah, we're definitely doing a cover together." Mikey said. If my cheeks grew any hotter I would have been convinced they were on fire.

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