Chapter Three

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Candace Miller

I finished brushing my teeth and grabbed my phone from the bed. I had a text.

GrandMan: We're here! Party time! :D

  Just then, the music reached my ears. Give Me Everything by Pitbull was playing on the stereo downstairs. I could practically hear the boys singing to it and dancing around the house. Oh, this was going to be a long day.

  I slipped my phone in my pocket and walked down the stairs. I was right. It was as if everyone had drunken ten energy drinks and ate too much sugar. They were jumping around and being the crazy party animals they were inside.

  "Grab somebody sexy and tell 'em-" The radio blared. I spun Jason around to face me and sang along.

  "Hey! Give me everything tonight!"

 Jason grinned and sang along with me, putting his hands around my waist. People saw him as the nerdy, up-tight one but they didn't know him like we did. I loved Jason to death.

  "Thanks, I know I'm sexy." He laughed when the song ended.

  "Very." I kaughed with him before Born This Way by Lady GaGa came on.

 "I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way!" Vinny did the Cat Daddy to it, and then started to do freestyle.

 I loved my friends.


  "Now she want a photo

You already know though

You only live once: that’s the motto- YOLO

We bout it every day, every day, every day

Like we sittin’ on the bench, we don’t really play

Every day, every day, what anybody say

Can’t see 'em 'cause the money in the way

Real. What's up, what's up, what's up?" We clapped to the beats as Mikey rapped The Motto. He finished with a smile.

  Whatever Madison says, I don't like Mikey like that. He is just a friend. 

 With all the dancing, we had each grown hot and sweaty. The windows were open, although it was growing dark outside, and the ceiling fans were on. Some of the boys- Mikey, Madison, Jason- had their shirts off. 

  Mikey had an amazing six-pack. Madison had one too, and Jason was almost there. Of course, I saw almost each of them without a shirt on every day. I was used to it. But I still caught myself staring at Mikey's.

  "If only you saw what I could see, then you'd understand why I want you so desperately, right now I'm looking at you  and I can't believe you don't know- oh, oh, you don't know you're beautiful!" Mikey sang, dancing around me in a circle.

  That's when Mrs. Amalia decided to walk through the door.

 "Er, what's going on?" She asked, nearly dropping the pizza boxes she was holding as Mikey leaned back slightly in front of me and pointed to his stomach, doing that little body-ripple move. The boys cracked up with laughter and I felt my cheeks heat up.

  "Just dancing, Mrs. Alamia," Mikey grinned.

 "I can stay in here and watch you all if I need to," She raised her eyebrows at me.

 "Oh no, no were fine. Trust me, you don't want to. These guys are literally insane." I said quickly. She laughed and moved to the kitchen.

  "Just saved your butts." I said once out of ear-shot.

 "Thanks," Mikey smiled and his face got closer and closer to mine. My heart was beating too fast and I didn't know why. Was I having a heart attack? No, no.

   "FOOD!" Louis shouted. I laughed with the guys as they all ran into the kitchen, leaving the two of us alone.

   Our noses were touching now.

"Not going to happen, Mikey," I whispered.

  "Why not?" He whispered back.

 "We aren't like that."

  "Is it because you like Jason?"

 "I don't like Jase,"




 "Mikey I don't like anyone."

  "I can change that," He looked down at my lips, then back to my eyes. My heart stuttered. Without my permission, my eyes darted down to his lips aswell, before I turned to walk into the kitchen.

  The boys had been watching the whole thing from the doorway. They munched on their pizza, eyes wide.

 ''What?" I snapped.

 Everyone shook their heads as Mikey walked around me without a second glance and into the kitchen.

  Louis raised his hand.

 "Yes, Lou?" I asked.

 "What's wrong with Mikey?" He asked. I sighed, unsure myself.

  "I don't know, he seems mad, huh?" I looked into Madison's eyes, and he followed Mikey.

  "Why didn't you kiss him?" Nick asked.

   "Would you kiss him?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"If I liked dudes, sure. But I'm straight. So no. You're a girl though."

  "I don't like Mikey like that."


 "Because... I don't know!" I sighed.

  "Hungry?" Jason offered me a slice of cheese pizza.

 "Thanks." I smiled and took it.

 I sighed internally and went with Jase, Vinny, and Nick to where Madison and Mikey and Louis were. Mrs. Alamia handed me a can of coke.

   It was awkwardly quiet for a few moments. Mikey tapped on his iPhone while Nick and Louis talked about movies. Jason told a few fun-facts that no one really paid attention to.

  Vinny nudged my arm and jerked his head to the living room. I followed after him.

 "Mikey is so upset." He whispered as we sat on the couch.

  "Why is he upset?"

   "He said he didn't want to talk about it. He might tell you though,"

  "He hates me." I said flatly, biting off more pizza.

 Vinny laughed. "No, Candace, he doesn't."

  I wondered what he meant by that, and I would have asked, but the boys all came into the room so I couldn't.

  Mikey wouldn't look at me. And it hurt more than you think.

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