Josh finally got home after Three days, and Tyler was so happy about it.
"Yes,kitten?" Josh asked, as he was filling out paperwork, that Tyler didn't know what it was to."Can we like... go on a date?" He asks.
"Of course, love, where do you wanna go?" Josh asks, looking up, as Tyler sat on his lap.
"Hmm. I want food."
"Wanna go to that Italian restaurant down the street?"
"Isn't that expensive though, daddy?"
"Does it matter?" Josh laughed.🌻
Josh and Tyler sat across from each other. They already finished dinner and Tyler was quite tired.
After Josh payed, he drove to a lovely park.
"Joshie, what are we doing here?" Tyler questioned, thinking it was a little late to be out anywhere.
"You'll see," he smiled, his eyes sort of crinkling in the corners.
Tyler and Josh laid on an itchy cloth blanket in the grass, looking up at the stars.
"I love you."
"And ever."A/N
HI I know this chapter is short but the next and last chapter will be long and emotional 😂 anyway bai