Chapter 1: Above

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John's POV

"Son, Earth's peace is gone." My father paused as he teared up, "We need you to save it."
"Why me?" I said on the verge of tears.
"You are stronger than you believe."
I looked up at him, tears kept rolling down my face. My mother walked in awaiting for my departure.
"Be good, my son," My mom said hugging me. She stroked my hair.
"I-I wanna s-stay" I didn't wanna go. It was terrible in the place called 'Earth.'
"Shh, its okay Jacky," my father said slowly standing, "you can do it."
"It's time for him to go," a man said.
"I-I'm ready." I said shakily.
"Good," the man said. My mother hugs me and walks over to my father. She puts her face in the crook of his neck.
"Goodbye, son" they said together, "we love you."
"Goodbye, I love you too," and just like that I'm gone.

I wake up, with a jolt. What is this place, I think to myself. Oh yeah, it's Earth. Even the name makes me shudder. It is overloaded with demons and some angels that hold demons from taking over. So far, they've failed at keeping them out, but they have prevented them from taking over.
"Look! It's another angel," a deep voice says. I look up, he is an angel like me. Yes! He has a beanie over his short, black curly hair. There also stands another angel with dark, fluffy hair in a ponytail.
"H-hi, my name is John Laurens," I say slightly nervous.
"Oh well hello! I'm Marquis de Lafayette, but just call me Laf," The man with the fluffy, curly hair says with a French accent.
"And I'm Hercules Mulligan, but call me Herc," the man is intimidating, but it seems he's nice. Herc and Laf help me up.
"So I'm guessing 'The Heaven Control Group™' sent you here to protect Earth," Herc says. Wait, how many other angels have been sent down for the exact same reason.
"By the look on your face, I'll take that as a 'yes'"
"Don't worry, Mon Ami. Angels here are not all sent here for the exact same reason," he thinks and says, "some just want to help and some just want to see what it's like."
"Why would you want to see what its like here? Its terrible." I tell them.
"Terrible? Non, non. It is not as bad as you think," Laf says, "its actually pretty great excluding demons."
"Yeah, he's right." Herc states.
"Okay, if you say so," I say, but a question comes to my mind, "can humans see our wings?"
"Only certain humans. I'm still not sure, though." Herc says, "until then, let's go!"

I follow them to wherever we're going. We come across a building that has a sign that says, "Cafe 76".
"What is this place?" I ask the mysterious angels.
"Oh yeah! This place is where you can get really good things to eat," Herc responds.
"Oh, okay," I say wearily. Laf walks around to the door and swings it open.
"Welcome to the shop where you're going to be getting your food for the next week," Herc says playfully punching my shoulder.

"Well, well I see we have a new angel on our hands."


Some good cliffhanger...
Just did a short chapter to see what you think of it
Don't worry it'll be longer
Just right now, I have to think of ideas

Have a lovely day! <3


588 Words :3

Really short...

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