Chapter 4: A Warm Awakening

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Me:  *shrugs* ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
John's POV

I toss and turn until I wake up. I rub my eyes and sit up. Why did I fall asleep? That was a bad choice... I think to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by a wonderful smell on my bedside table. I look and see a plate with white rice and fried fish. A note accompanied it. It was a small, little index card beside the plate with beautiful handwriting on it.

It wrote:


Hey, pretty angel. It should be late when you wake up, so I brought you some dinner that I made. I'm not sure what you wanted, but I hope this is good for you. Laf and Herc are out on the town taking care of some angel work, so they won't be back until dawn. If you need anything, just come find me in my room- asleep or not.


I look at the paper and smile to myself. I blush at the nickname he had given to me. I look over to my left and see a clock that read, 12:34. Wonderful. He was right, I did sleep late, but the food was still warm. I grab the fork that was neatly placed beside it and start eating.

The food was delicious. I was so surprised that Alexander was able to pull such a great meal off.  I finished it in 5 minutes. Wow, I didn't know I was that hungry, I think to myself. I stand up and grab my dishes. I walk down the large case stairway into the glorious kitchen. It was spotless and perfect.

I make my way to the sink and start scrubbing whatever was left on the plate. I see the dishwasher and open it. I place the plate and silverware in the dishwasher and close it quietly. Immediately, I think of Alexander and mindlessly make my way up to his room.

I walk to the door slowly. I twist the doorknob with such caution- not making a sound. I opened the door with just a creak left behind. I used a light that angels use with their magic to see better in dark places. With the white, bright substance coming off of my hand, I make my way to his bed. I blush when I see his shirt was taken off when he had went into slumber. Even with a bright light emitting from my hand, it didn't seem to wake him. Which makes it weird because demons react to when angels magic appears near them.

I began to be curious as I walk closer to his bedside when I see him turn over to face me. His face looked so content and glistened when I had the light near him. My heart quickens and I cover my mouth as I begin to move closer to him. That's when I see it. Angel wings. No, gray angel wings. My eyes widen and I step back a little bit. I've only heard about this in fairy tales, my mother used to read me, so I could get to sleep, I think to myself.

His eyes flutter open and he notices me looking at him dumbfounded. He rubs his eyes and sits up, letting me get a closer look at his wings. He finally realizes what I'm looking at and hides his wings- going back to human form.

"W-what are y-you?" I say wearily. He looks down and sighs.
"Please... don't.. worry about it now, I'll tell you everything tomorrow morning. Right now, you and I need to get some sleep." He yawns and looks up at me. He pats the part of the bed next to him and signals me to lay down with him.

I walk towards him and sit down on the bed. My legs hang off the bed as I look down. I turn off the light and lay down.
"Thank you for making me such a great meal..." I mumble quietly to him.
"I really wouldn't mind cooking for you more" he responds in a soft whisper.
"That would be nice," I say to him as I somehow end up cuddling into his chest. It's warm and a nice feeling.

Then we're left in a comfortable silence, with him having one hand stroking my hair and one around me tightly. My arms curl up on his chest and I hear his soft breath above me. He removes his hand from my side and pulls up the covers. After he is done with rearranging the blanket, he quickly retreats his hand to my side. Then I feel a soft pair of lips kiss the top of my forehead. My face heats up as he speaks again in a soft tone.

"Goodnight, my pretty angel, get some rest."

??? POV

I will make them suffer.

They WILL burn in hell.

Read Please!:

Some short, good fllooofff! <3
Okay, the true reason I'm writing so close together is because I want to get something out to you. This book truly is more appealing to me than my other one, but I will not discontinue HELPLESS. What it looks like now, I might be putting it on hold. Still thinking about it, but I really need your opinion on it. Thank you for so much support on these books! I love you guys so much! In a book I have read, they have written at the bottom of the book if you want any of the characters to answers questions you have for them. So props to the author who made that up, I have no credit in making the concept. If it is okay with the author, I will start it myself.


Questions for John

Questions for Alexander

975 Words :3

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