Chapter 2: Why Me?

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Alex is not a FULL-ON demon. If you do not like that idea and much rather read Jamilton than this, go ahead. I'm not stopping you. Anyways, on with the book!

John's POV

"Well, well I see we have a new angel on our hands."

"Huh?" I turn around a fairly tall looking man hovering over me. He looks like Lafayette, just with his hair down.
"Well if it isn't Thomas Jefferson?" Herc glares at the man, who I presume is Thomas. Suddenly, wings fly out of his body following pointy ears and a tail. He's a demon! I think to myself.
I step back, not wanting him to touch me.
"Oh, don't be shy, little angel," He says, treating me like a child, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

He comes closer and I try to back away, but I end up bumping into a person. I turn around and see the prettiest pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. I stand there for a moment, just a moment, studying his features. At this moment, he wasn't looking at me, but at Thomas.

"Why the hell are you messing with an angel?" He hisses. Laf and Herc looks like they were terrified of the man who stood behind me, they froze where they stood and not making one move. Thomas, on the other hand, looks like he just won a fight, he was smirking at the man.
"Ooh, you know that's bad to say hell in front of a pure angel." Thomas snarled, "Why don't you go back to reading your book and leave us alone?"

"You seriously think that I'm going to let you be alone with three angels? Ha! That's funny!" The gorge- I mean strange person says. I look down at my feet, as I stay silent and don't make a sound. Laf and Herc finally moves and motions for me to go with them. I look up at the man and he's also telling me to go, but with his eyes.
I walk further and further away from him with the two angels that brought me to that café or whatever you call it. The two men were deep in their argument to even notice we were leaving.
Why was Laf and Herc scared of the man? He seemed nice. I think to myself.

The two look at me with raised eyebrows.
"Bruh, were you not scared?" Herc looks at me with questioning eyes.
"No I don't even know who those two people are," I say to them.
"Mon dieu! I forgot, you've never met them because this is your first time here," Laf chuckled, "I guess I was so terrified to even realize it." He rubs his back of his neck nervously.
"Let's just say, you're lucky. That dude, behind you, is a" Herc pauses for second, "--Well actually, I don't exactly know what he is. All I know is that he killed his own family."

The person who just saved me, is a. . . killer? I think to myself.
"Are you sure about that? It might be a misconception. . . Or something like that" I think to myself for a moment, "Wouldn't he be a demon, then?"
"Mon ami, you know demons can hide their true forms." Laf speaks gently to me. I sigh and look up, "I guess you're right." I start to walk forward, but I was cut off with a hand on my shoulder.
I turn around to see the man I once thought I could trust. I couldn't look away, though. His features were absolutely stunning. From his bright blue eyes, to his dark brown shade of hair, and his cute stubble on his chin. No! That's a sin, I'm not allowed to do that!

I shake my head left to right, as if to get those sinful thoughts out of my head. Before I could think anything more, he speaks up:
"Are you okay?" He speaks to me with a calm voice. If you looked at him for the first time in your life, you wouldn't even think for one second he's a murderer.

"I-I'm fine, t-thanks" I stutter quietly. Scared of what could happen next. What come next? Is he going to kill me? I don't wanna die. . .Well, again.

"No problem," he continued, "I'm Alexander Hamilton, pleasure to meet your acquaintance."


I'm gonna leave it there.
All of you are gonna kill me...
Sorry Not Sorry!
Have a FANTASTIC day, byeee!
*runs as fast as a little potato's legs can take them*


760 Words :3

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