Chapter 3: At Your Service

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(My friend drew the pic above for me, since I'm the John Laurens of our Hamilton family)
John's POV

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

I internally screamed as he reached down and kissed my hand. Heat rose to my face as I begin to blush rapidly. He looks into my eyes.

"What a beautiful angel you are!" He says putting two fingers under my chin to get a closer look, but he is interrupted by Lafayette.

"Stay away from him, you murderer!" He yells as he grabs my arm tightly, pulling me back. I look down and try to get his hand off my arm, but he was too strong.

It was like his eyes faded from a blue to a gray. He looked down and shook his head.
"Yeah..murderer..heh," He sighs and looks up, "I guess this is goodbye, pretty angel. Since I am a danger to your safety!" He says sarcastically as he turns around. Finally, Lafayette's grip loosens thinking we are safe. I tug my arm away and hug him from behind. He flinches, clearly surprised by my action.

"John, this is not a good idea-" Hercules says as he walks towards me, hiding Laf behind him. I hug tighter and finally Alexander turns around and slowly hugs back. I feel tears drop on my shoulder. He was crying. A demon was crying. This felt right, I think to myself. Even if he was a guy, it was like happiness and sympathy was coursing through my veins.

Sadly, he let go and looked Herc in the eyes.
"Look, I understand that you're probably terrified by me, but I'm serious when I say 'I mean no harm'." He confirms to Herc and Laf, "You can trust me." He says as he sticks his hand out to the two confused angels. I was still latched on him because I trust him. Shakily, Herc connects his hand with Alexander.
"I trust y-you, okay?" He lets go and steps back, "My name is Hercules Mulligan, but please call me Herc."
Lafayette walks in front of Herc and reaches for Alexander's hand. He grabs it and shakes it.

"If mon ami can trust you, I can trust you." He releases and turns away. "My name is Marquis de Lafayette, but I'm fine with Laf or Lafayette. Thank you for saving John..."

"John, huh. That is such a beautiful name. Simple, yet perfect." He looks into my eyes and smiles. I rapidly blush and turn away. "And no problem. I am used to Jefferson pushing angels around like they're nothing."

"Jeff-" I cut Herc off.
"It's John Laurens, by the way" I inform him. He smiles and says, "Even better."
"Ahem! Anyways as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted!" Herc says as he breathes deeply, "Jefferson was the guy who was fighting John, right?"
"Yep! The rudest bitch of them all." I look at him wide-eyed. Once he saw my stare directed towards him, he quickly spoke up again.
"How rude of me to say such a terrible word. I meant 'person'." He quickly states.
"Okay then.." Lafayette says wearily, "Do you have a place to stay?"
"No, what about you Alexander?" I question.
"Heh, well. Funny story actually... I have been sleeping on the streets for the past," He thinks for a second, "2 months, so technically- no."

All of us look at him baffled.
"Non mon ami! You are not sleeping out there again. You will come join Herc and I to sleep at our house, we're roommates." Lafayette declares.
"U-um, you sure? I don't want to be a burden." Alexander stutters. I rest my hand on his shoulder to let him know that it's okay. He looks at me and grabs my hand that was on his shoulder. We intertwine hands.
"It's fine if you both come along! We don't mind!" Laf exclaims with a huge smile on his face.
"Thank you so much!" Alexander thanks. The group moves forward as well make our way to their house. With both of our hands still intertwined, I smiled at him.
"Never stop smiling," he whispers in my ear. I blush really hard.

This time walking gave me time to think about... things. Why was Alexander being so nice to me even though he was a demon? Was I sinning, if I liked this man? Who am I kidding, of course I am. I don't want to go to...hell. My father would be disappointed in me. I'm supposed to be helping the world, but all I'm doing is falling head over heels for a demon. Even worse, a man. I put my open hand over my face and look down, not letting go of Alexander's hand. He notices and mouths 'what's wrong?'.
"I'm just really tired," I whisper in his ear. That was true, but it was not the main reason.
"Oh okay, you can lay your head on my shoulder if that comforts you more." He whispers back in my ear. And with that I lay my head on his shoulder, sure enough it comforts me. His nice smelling coat, and the soft texture on it, engulfs me with the sense of calmness. It's like there was no worry for me in the world at that moment. We slowly walk up the driveway of this gorgeous property. It looked really nice and it was a private property with gates lining it. We walk through the electrical gate which opened with a code.

I gasp at the sight, and Alexander is truly surprised too. I let go of his hand and ran up to Laf and Herc. I hug them.
"Thank you so much! You guys are amazing! How did you afford this?!" I exclaim.
"First of all, you're welcome. Second of all, angels don't have to pay for houses if they are fully pure." Herc said calmly.
I gasp, "Really?! That's is so cool!"
Alexanders looks speechless, just looking at him made my heart melt. He truly was thankful. So thankful that he couldn't put it into words. I grabbed his hand and ran inside to see a fully decorated house. It truly was extravagant. I hug Alexander really tightly as he looks around. He hugs me back and rests his chin on my head.
"Well what are waiting for? Go pick out your rooms, but don't pick the last one down the hall, that's me and Herc's." Lafayette says. We nod and go upstairs to find a lot of rooms. Alexander picks his room on the left and I pick mine across from his.

I step inside to see a huge room with a flat screen TV and a king size bed. Immediately, I jumped on the bed to find it was super comfortable. It was white sheets and a navy blue footer at the end of the bed. My eyes shut and before I know it, sleep overcomes me.

A cliffhanger, WHoOP!
I need you all to understand that I am NOT leaving Wattpad. I still do read your books, but with school and family problems I don't have enough time anymore to upload my chapters, but I really do try. I love you guys and my books are not on hold nor will be discontinued. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you guys for so much support and I hope you have a happy holiday.

Have the best day you can! ❤


1258 Words :3

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