Chapter 5: Let Me Explain

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Okay, so first of all sorry I've been gone. Second of all, I've made the decision that the story is only going to be told in John's POV. Third of all, thank you guys for 1,700+ views! Its truly means a lot! Anyways, now for a long LONG awaited part...

I flutter my eyes open to look around the room, yet was met with Alex's face. My face heats up as I try to escape his grip on me, but his embrace was too tight. I relax again knowing that I won't be able to move until he wakes up.

What is wrong with me? I mentally groan as I realize I'm in a bed with a man who could potentially be a demon, but then again, from what I saw last night he wasn't a demon OR an angel. Am I overthinking this?

The feeling of warmth slowly removes itself from my body, allowing me to shiver. My eyes shift up to Alex, who was sitting at the edge of the bed with only his boxers. I could sense he knew I was awake, yet didn't want to look at me. Maybe embarrassed? Because that's sure how I feel right now.

"Good morning, John," the loan figure says looking at his feet, while still sitting at the edge of the bed. My body manages to sit up and I immediately pull the sheets over me because of the absence of heat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..." I say awkwardly shifting in my place.

"I'm glad I woke up because I still need to explain what happened last night," he finally turns his body to me, so I can see his tired face and eye bags that drooped from his dampened eyes. We hold eye contact before he lets out a soft sigh, moving to join me in the bed. I don't make any sign of rejection, I just stay in my place looking back at him. Some heat joins my body as I shiver in content. I should be moving away or even pushing him away, yet I don't. I realize what he had said and I slowly nod as if to say, "go on."

"I am an, how do you say, extinct species or that's at least what the Council thought..." he trails on, fidgeting with his fingers, "A 'fallen angel' is what I'm classified as, the strongest species to ever exist... That is why we were eradicated, I'm not an angel or demon," I cup my mouth and let out a soft gasp, not sure how I should feel right now. Shock, mostly shock.

He seems to notice my expression and grabs my hand, looking me deep in the eyes. "I swear to you, I will not harm you. I don't know why, but you already mean a lot to me. It's hard to understand, but I promise it'll get better," His mouth forms a small, genuine small. His eyes laced with love and content, not shifting away from my green ones. I don't respond since my tongue feels as if it were tied into a knot. Before I know it, my arms pull him into a tight embrace, warmth filling my blood and heart. I feel his arms slowly rise up to hug me back and I can feel him smile into my shoulder. I can't describe what I feel right now. Happiness?

I snap back to reality and pull back from the embrace. At this point, I'm not quite sure why I haven't resisted the urge to be near him or why I haven't used my energy against him. Then again, his species is quite powerful and I wouldn't want to be caught up into that mess. Especially since it would cause Lafayette and Hercules too much trouble.

My eyes trail up to meet his and a soft smirk lines his face. I return the smile graciously.
"Yeah, it's kind of confusing and shocking and especially scary, but I would love to know more about you." My voice quietly trails on as I gracefully put my fragile hands on his.

What in God's name am I doing?

Yet, even when that thought crossed my mind, I don't stop smiling and I do not remove my hands from his. It feels like hours until he removes his eyes from mine. He sighs and looks at the door. Before interrupting the silence,
"They're coming."
Before Alexander could respond, the door shot open and bolted in Lafayette with Hercules retreating behind him. I react quickly, my hands shooting down to my lap, folded nicely.
"What are you both doing in here?" Lafayette says and furrows his eyebrows.

Right in time, Alex comes up with an immediate response,
"He came in here to say good morning to me and to talk about each other. Nothing special." His eyes are stern and he stays nonchalant about the whole ordeal. Lafayette nods in response, believing his lie.
"Why don't you guys come downstairs? I'll make breakfast!" Lafayette beams a wide smile, while making eye contact with me.
Alex rises and looks to me, so I follow suit. He takes a second to put a large shirt on before following the others.

We watch as Lafayette basically skips down the long staircase. Hercules shakes his head and I see a smile cascade onto his face. Alex steps in front of me and grabs onto the railing and sits on it before immediately sliding down it. He laughs hard as he makes his retreat to the downstairs. Hercules starts laughing and starts gliding down the railing too.

"What're you, trois years old?!" Lafayette yells dramatically at the two on the floor, rolling around and laughing. I laugh to myself, continuing my walk down the stairs. Once I reach Alex, I hold my hand out to help him up to which he accepts. He turns around and both Hercules and Alex share a high five. I smile at the rowdy behaviour, but Lafayette is clearly not impressed, still shaking head at the childish behaviour. As we walk to the kitchen, he scolds them and I laugh quietly to what he's saying.

Wow I actually updated! If you guys are still interested, let me know,  so I can keep producing new parts. Again, sorry for the year long delay, but I'm back!

1061 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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