Chapter One

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My head unconsciously jerks back, taken aback by all that I'm hearing. Powers? How could I have powers? That'd just be ridiculous. "Are you sure you're ok? You're not doing drugs or something?" I ask skeptically. Jesus, this guy is crazy.

A scowl forms across his face. "No, I'm not doing drugs, Mia. Why would you even ask that?"

"I mean you were just talking about superpowers and all. You seem like you're kinda off your rocker," I explain, half-smiling at his reaction.

"Really?! I'm off my rocker? No, you're off your rocker. You can't even remember how everything ended."

"Oh fuck off," I retort, rolling my eyes. "I'm painfully aware I have amnesia. You don't need to continue bringing it up, asshole."

He sits there, looking like he's gonna murder me for several seconds before falling over, laughing, tears streaming down his face. "Glad to know your attitude and personality haven't changed, even with your memories disappearing."

Thinking back on my experience in the hospital a question forms on the edge of my lips, "Don't you feel lonely living in your little world?"

A sad smile crosses his face as he whispers, "Don't you feel powerless living in other people's worlds?"

His words shock me, leaving me speechless. How could I feel powerless when I've never felt any power in the first place? But wait, that isn't true, now is it. I just can't remember what power feels like. "What does power feel like? I can't seem to recall that certain memory," I say, my voice void of emotion.

He frowns, trying to sense a hidden meaning to my question. When he realizes he's not going to pick up on anything, he replies, hesitantly, as if he's worried he'll say something wrong, "Power, it's hard to describe. It has so many different twists and turns, you don't know what you'll feel. One moment, it's the greatest feeling anyone could have, but as soon as it's snatched away, well, you feel hopeless and you don't know how to function. It's fascinating really."

My face scrunches up in what could be curiosity or disgust. It's rather hard to tell. How can power be so contradictory? It doesn't make sense. The way the hospital described it... I don't know. It sounded dangerous in a way. "I- I don't understand," I stammer in confusion.

He takes several steps toward me. "Well how about I show you? All you have to do is follow me," he explains.

With many doubts in mind, I answer, "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, Andrew."

He presses his lips to mine, renewing a certainty within me. I've finally decided for myself. I choose the path of the powerful.


Sooooooooo don't be mad at me. I swear I've been meaning to post stuff, but then I got grounded and had a writer's block, and, well, you know how it is. Plus, I've been having issues with my depression and I've been a hot mess. I happen to be out of school at the moment, so I decided to publish the first chapter to my latest project. And you may be wondering, What happened to "Notice Me Senpai" or "One Step Ahead"? Those two will be getting revamped and updated, so be on the lookout for those. My other stories, I had too many, so those will be on hold until further notice. And with that, I say thank you for reading and expect a whole lot from "Within The Folds".

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