Chapter Five

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Immediately, I'm greeted by the shouts of older men fighting amongst themselves. One by one, their shouts fade away until the only sound remaining is my heels echo on the stone floors. Andrew seats me at the end of the elongated table before taking his place at the other end.

The men hurriedly rise and bow, throwing in a "Your Majesty" as an honorable greeting.

"Ok, I take it you men didn't just call us in here for a tea party," Andrew dismisses, "What's the problem?"

One of the men takes it upon himself to "lead" the rest if that's what you wish to call it.

"Sir, God's children have been getting closer to our base. We've spotted life-seekers," he gestures to the map spread across the table, "here, here, and there. We have to relocate."

"No. I refuse to move everyone again, Scott. It leaves us way too vulnerable to attacks."

"With all due respect, we're sitting ducks for the seekers. Not to mention, with the Queen's kidnapping, the holy children are bound to sniff us out sooner or later."

"We're safer staying in place. We have defense barriers being held by our molding specialists. As long as we remain on the defensive, the children and elderly are safe and the young, healthy unholy soldiers can protect our kind."

"But Andrew-"

Andrew slams his hand on the table as his voice drops to a guttural growl. "What did you call me?"

Scott seems to shrink back before dropping to a bow and apologizing. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. As your head advisor, I'm simply trying to bring you to what I believe will be the best decision for our people. I mean no disrespect."

"Well, Scott," Andrew starts, "you don't need to recite your job description to me. Furthermore, you continually overstepping the line from your duties to mine is most certainly ill-intended actions."

"Andrew," I cut in if only to save that advisor from digging a larger hole for himself, "can't we start patrol teams? Use our stronger fighters to fend off any seekers and prevent any attacks? We can take about twelve people, split into four groups of three, and rotate the two teams in and out."

Each man around the table's eyes widens at my words as if any strategy is surprising to them. Across from me, Andrew places his face in his hands, seemingly upset with my contribution.

"Your Highness and I mean this in no way to be rude, but what happened while you were gone?" one of the other advisors asks.

Oh, shit, I don't think I was like this before I lost my memory. And Andrew told me to keep my mouth shut along with my amnesia a secret. That explains his reaction now.

Attempting to hide the immense, overwhelming panic consuming my mind, I scoff and answer, "Do you think I was able to just waltz out of the children of God's lair? Andrew and I had to strategize. Also, just a suggestion, but I wouldn't ask your queen a question like that again."

The advisor drops his head and mumbles an apology, hardly audible to me and the rest of the room. There's definitely a tension here that wasn't before, though. Shouldn't have opened my big mouth.

"Anyways, Andrea, that's a perfect idea and I know just the men for it," Andrew responds, carrying on with the meeting.

After several more hours of discussion of the safety of our kingdom, the advisors are dismissed to go about their ways, leaving Andrew and me by ourselves.

He doesn't say anything for a minute. I just sit there under his gaze, squirming from anticipation and nerves. Finally, seemingly getting his enjoyment from my discomfort, he speaks.

"I thought I told you to let me do the talking."

"I know, but you were roasting that advisor over an open flame. Besides, I had an idea and I wanted to share it. Are you men so insecure that I'm not even allowed to make a suggestion?"

He sighs. "Andrea, before your amnesia, you were one of the most impulsive people I knew. You gave plenty of suggestions and we listened, but none of them were helpful in any sort of manner, unlike the suggestion you made today."

"Oh. I guess that means my secret's out then?"

"Not necessarily. You made a good point in the meeting, and they don't know what happened in the hospital." He goes quiet for a minute. "Speaking of the hospital, if you don't mind me asking, what happened in there?"

"If I'm being honest, I'm not sure," I start. "I remember consistently taking the medicine every day, but anything that happens after taking the pills, I just- there's nothing there."

"Strange," he responds, "I'll have to look into the hospital's methods. I'm sure we've had a spy in there at some point."

He continues mumbling details to himself, and I listen quietly. I don't like the answer I gave, though. I should be able to remember more. All I have to do is push my head to recall more. I force my focus to work harder if only to recall any sort of detail, but it hurts. It hurts. Without realizing it, I kneel to the floor and curl into the fetal position, tears spilling from my eyes, gasps escaping from my lips.

"An? An?! Are you okay? An, say something!" Andrew pleads. "Shit, shit!"

Scooping me up into his arms, Andrew takes off, out of the room. Where is he taking me? I can only hope that it's some sort of pain relief center. I can't pay attention to my surroundings. I can't bring myself to try to comprehend anything occurring anymore except this pounding, burning, agonizing sensation releasing itself onto my brain.

Why won't I pass out? It hurts so much, I just want to fall asleep and not feel this anymore. Can't Andrew make it stop? Just stop my heart and this will all go away. Why isn't he doing anything?

I'm vaguely aware of being set down onto some sort of bed. A few words are spoken into my ear before everything goes black.

"Down with the Queen."


So not even a day into the new writing schedule and I can't upload these chapters when they're supposed to be uploaded. Sorry. I have the chapters pre-written, but I just lost track of time and kinda forgot I had to upload them. Also, I have my AP Lit exam on Wednesday, so I may push the updates off a day for Wednesday and Thursday. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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