Chapter Four

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 I'd be naïve to tell him the full truth— well, naïve and stupid. I don't truly know him and he doesn't truly know me.

"Everything ok?" Andrew asks. His eyebrows furrow together in concern as he turns his head to look at me.

A glimmer of a weak smile flashes across my face as I manage to respond with a quiet yes. His expression only shows he doesn't believe me for a second, but, like me, he shrugs it off. Lies: they hold so much power, and yet, they're only words, only stories.

"How far are we from the kingdom?" I question, already sick of the journey ahead of us.

"If we continue making frequent stops, maybe two days," he answers, his tone growing darker.

"And without the stops?"

"With you on my back, a couple hours."

His words speaking of how close we are to my family stands my hair on end. My brain immediately makes its decision and the words fall out of my mouth as he finishes his sentence.

"Andrew, take me home."


The voice brings a name to my head before the girl reaches me. Julia. "You're back! And alive! Thank goodness!"

A huge grin spreads across my face and immediately my arms wrap around her. "Jules, I missed you so much. How have you been?"

"Well, you know, I've been panicking considering my older sister was kidnapped by our older-" Julia's sentence is cut off by Andrew's hand clapping over her mouth.

"As happy as this reunion is," he starts, "Andrea, you have a lot of work to catch up on, and, Julia, I'm sure you haven't finished your duties as princess yet."

"You're such an ass, Andy. I don't understand what my sister sees in you," Julia shouts, walking away towards one of the larger tents set up in the camp.

Now that Jules is gone I can get a look at the camp for all that it is. It's fairly large, especially for being mainly composed of tents, with the exception of the tower in the middle. As the site expands further out, the tents get smaller and smaller until, on the outskirts, they probably house 1-2 people.

My attention snaps back to Andrew strolling towards the center, shouting for me to follow him over his shoulder. I scurry after him, swear all the while until I'm finally walking in-step beside him.

"What was Jules gonna say earlier when she said older?" I ask Andrew timidly.

He shakes his head before answering, "It's nothing, An, all she was talking about was an older member who we falsely trusted."

"But, that doesn't line up with what she was saying," I protest.

"An," he states sharply, "drop the subject. Now."

His tone causes me to drawback for a split second. He's clearly lying, but he refuses to admit it. Just what is happening here? Why is information being hidden from me?

He lets out a sigh. "An, I'm not trying to lie to you or hide anything from you. I swear. Just, please don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. I promise you don't want the real answer to your question."

"Fine," I concede. "What are we doing then?"

"We're heading to the courtroom to brief you on what you've missed while you were in that godforsaken hospital. Whatever you do, don't mention your amnesia under any circumstances. I'll do most of the talking. Just nod your head and pretend you understand everything being said in the meeting. I'll explain what they said to you later. Ok?"

"Yeah, yeah," I respond dismissively with a wave of my hand.


"I know, Andy. I promise. I've got this, ok?"


Right before we open the doors, Andrew leans down and places a kiss on my lips. As he moves away, I look up at him in confusion.

"I know you may not believe me, but we were dating. More than dating really, but do me a favor. Put these rings on. People will suspect otherwise," he says, all the while placing what appears to be an engagement ring and wedding band into my palm.

We were married?! He said we were dating, not married. This isn't ok. Why can't I remember any of this shit, but I can somehow remember how to use my powers. This is such BS!

All I can bring myself to do is nod, slowly slide on the rings as he asked, and attempt to maintain a calm composure. Once the rings are on, Andrew takes my hand in his and we enter the hall.


A/N: SO were you guys shocked by any of the developments. Like, I don't know, the fact that Andrea and Andrew are actually MARRIED?! I love the two of them together so much; I think it's just their dynamic as a couple, but, Spoiler, they weren't always like this, and honestly, Andrew's hiding something. What would that be? Well, I guess you're gonna have to wait for upcoming chapters. Anyways, I love you all so much and I hope you all enjoy your day! 

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