Chapter Two

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 "So what happens next?" I ask him once we break apart.

He gives me an award-winning smile and answers, "Oh that's simple. We run."

I give him a look of shock. "Um, what? I never agreed to that. Besides, why would we run?"

He chuckles slightly and replies, "First of all, sweetheart, you agreed to do whatever I feel we need to do when you kissed me. And don't even bother using any pathetic excuses like you didn't want to kiss me; you had plenty of time to push me away. Second, we need to run because we're outlaws. Do you think they'll readmit you into the hospital? No. They'll send you to the prisons. What's your only choice? To run."

I give him a death stare for a second. Then I stomp over, grab his shirt collar, and pull him down, so our faces are in very close proximity to each other. "So, basically, if I hadn't agreed to run with you, you would've taken me by force?"

His face grows serious, he puts his hand on the back of my neck and when he responds, his voice is husky. "Sweetheart, you would've come with me, even if I had to seduce you. That, really, isn't hard either considering my sex appeal." He bites his lip and gives me a stare.

With my face a bright shade of red, I make a weak attempt to push him away, but he pulls me closer instead. "God Andrew, just stop!"

"Why?" he asks mischievously. "You always used to love this. Especially what came after."

I duck out of his grasp and move a good five feet away from him. "So where exactly are we going?"

"Man," he sighs, "you really are hopeless. We're going back to your royal court. Your subjects miss you, my queen."

"What the actual fuck? Do you get enjoyment out of my confusion? And I'm a queen? Explain. Now."

A small smile slips onto his lips. "I do personally get enjoyment out of your confusion. Mostly because you used to be such a know-it-all smartass. That's beyond the point, though. I'm legally not allowed to tell you everything, but I'll tell you what I can. The world, or at least what's left of it, is engaged in an all-out war for the ultimate position of God or Satan. Before you were captured, you held the position of queen of all of Satan's children: those who hold his powers. I'm currently king, but if we don't get back soon, our subjects will think we're dead."

"I still don't understand. Does that mean our entire relationship was just incest?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

He lets out a loud laugh. "No, no. You're actually one of the three remaining children of Satan. Everyone else got their powers from friends or trusted ones around them. You and I had the strongest powers out of all the spawn."

"And you mentioned God too, didn't you?"

He sighs. "Yes. There are those who are children of God. They have a court similar to ours."

I find myself wanting to object to all he tells me. I don't possess any superpowers, no special abilities. Instead, I hold my tongue and smile.

He sets off, walking towards the west, following the slowly dropping sun. We don't stop for anything. After around 5 or 6 hours of walking, I finally begin to complain.

"Andrew, are we almost there? My feet hurt and I'm tired. Not to mention I haven't eaten since lunch."

He turns around and lifts me, tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Take a nap goddammit. You're too whiny."

I'm about to protest when we both hear a gunshot in the distance. We look up and see red smoke fill the sky.

"Shit! I could've sworn no one was trailing us. We need to hide now," Andrew commands in a worried tone. "I need you to forgive me for something."

"Wait, what?" I ask, confused. "What do you need me to forgive you for?"

He coughs. "I'm going to use my powers to shut your body down. I'll restart it after the danger passes. I can't risk them hearing us breathing or sensing our beating hearts." He presses his hands to my temples and I immediately go out like a light.


Sorry, this took so long to get up. I've been super busy with school and stuff. I promise to update my other stories too. Please have some patience with me, though. Anyways, we finally have some background information on the characters and what the fuck's going on. I have to go, but I'll update everything... at some point. Bye, my lovelies! 

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